
This project contains a simple fullstack skelton app based on graphql-yoga and create-react-app.

Getting started

Clone the repository:

git clone https://github.com/adamgajzlerowicz/skeletoon.git
cd skeletoon

graphql server



  • json web token
  • user support login/register over graphs
  • securing graphs with user details
  • me endpoint
  • graph for refreshing token
  • token expire after 5 minutes
  • refresh token expires after 2 months
  • postgres backend with docker
  • requies hash for tokens supplied from command line

Libraries used

  • graphql-yoga
  • sequelize
  • graphql-sequelize
  • jest

Run frontend app



  • blazing fast
  • stores token and refresh token in local storage
  • auto refresh tokens using refresh token when token expires
  • router with protected routes
  • auto redirect to / when token rejected or not found

Libraries used

  • react
  • apollo
  • webpack
  • react router
  • jset
  • flow