Deep Learning image API

Primary LanguagePython


This repository contains my Deep Learning IMage (DLim) API project, which is essentialy a RESTful Python API implemented using Flask, which allows a user to upload images and run inference using pre-built models.

Some current features: SAM, multithreading, status of tasks, Docker, CUDA, arguments parsing (log levels, host, port), automatic versioning, exception handling.

Todo: Iterative solving of CUDA out of memory errors. More models. Return masks.

Can be installed using pip or built with docker

Docker Installation Instructions

Simply clone and enter the repository, and run docker build -t dlim_api . to build the project and docker run --rm -p 5000:5000 --gpus all dlim_api -ll 10, to run the project on localhost using all GPU's (assumed CUDA is installed) with the desired logging level you wish (please refer to Python standard logging levels).


If you do not have CUDA installed and do NOT wish to use it, just run the project as normal but without the --gpus all flag, and your CPU will be used instead.

If you do not have CUDA installed and wish to use it, please follow the relevant guides for your operating system: WINDOWS LINUX


Segment Anything Model (SAM)

SAM developed by Meta AI can be used to automatically generate masks for your images.

Ensure that you have the "sam_vit_h_4b8939.pth" model checkpoint downloaded from here and placed in src\dlim_api\utils\model_checkpoints\sam_vit_h_4b8939.pth


  • PUT /sam/load Loads the SAM automatic mask generator.
  • POST /sam/segment Post an image for segmentation. This will return a unique <task_id> and begin predicting segmentation masks.
  • GET /sam/segment/status/<task_id> Gets the status of a <task_id> for that specific image. If completed will return the segmented image, otherwise will return the status (i.e. "Not found", "Error " etc)

Version Bumping through PR titles

My repository uses an automated versioning system that relies on the naming convention of the pull request titles. When you merge a pull request into the dev branch, the version number of the project is automatically bumped and a new tag is created, based on the prefix in your PR title.

The version number follows the MAJOR.MINOR.FIX format, where:

MAJOR version increments indicate significant changes or enhancements in the project, often including breaking changes. MINOR version increments indicate backwards-compatible new features or enhancements. FIX version increments indicate backwards-compatible bug fixes or minor changes. To specify the type of changes you have made in your pull request, prefix your PR title with one of the following:

major: - to increment the MAJOR version (e.g., from 1.0.0 to 2.0.0). minor: - to increment the MINOR version (e.g., from 0.1.0 to 0.2.0). fix: - to increment the FIX version (e.g., from 0.0.1 to 0.0.2). For example, if you have made a minor change, your PR title could be: minor: Add new feature XYZ.

If your PR title does not include any of the specified prefixes, the GitHub Action will not increment the version or create a new tag. This can be useful for non-functional changes like updates to documentation or code refactoring that don't require a version bump.

When your PR is merged into main, the GitHub Action will increment the version according to the prefix in the PR title and create a new tag.

Please ensure you follow this convention to maintain a well-structured and meaningful version history for my project.