
Application to mange your team's holidays.

Primary LanguageRuby

Holiday Machine [Rails 4]

A web application for managing employee holiday allowance and allocation, built in Ruby on Rails 4.

This branch is in development, the application is not yet stable enough for release.


  • ruby 2.0.0p247
  • Firefox to test Javascript using the Selenium gem. Check Selenium changelog for most recent supported Firefox version (Currently: v31 works as of 23/09/2014)


git clone https://github.com/etskelly/holiday_machine.git
cd holiday_machine
git checkout rails4_feature
bundle exec rake db:setup
bundle exec rake db:populate
rails s

When installing ensure that in the line:

/* /config/environments/development.rb */
config.action_mailer.default_url_options = { :host => 'localhost:3000' }
//The host matches your server's host name

Logging In

After installing, you can log in using the following manager account:

Email: manager@example.com
Password: Passw0rd@

Signing Up

You can register for an account using the following invitation code:

You will need to provide a real email address, as the system will send a validation email. If you do not receive the email, check your spam filter (emails are confirmed to send fine, as of 01/09/14).


You must first setup the test database

bundle exec rake db:schema:load RAILS_ENV=test
bundle exec rake db:seed RAILS_ENV=test

Then run

bundle exec rspec

Please note: the specs require the database to be correctly seeded. Some IDE configurations have been shown to wipe the seed data before running the specs. All specs should pass. If you have mass-failure, this may be the cause. Rebuild your test database and run the specs by following the steps above.


  • Fix "View" links on "Manage Absences" page (this looks it is fixed already - ES to confirm + delete).
  • Test and lock down routes as needed (users should not be able to access manager-only areas)
  • Replace the SMTP details in config with environment variables, and the change password (Change password functionality is now in - ES can this section be removed?)
  • Replace Gmail SMTP with something else (hourly and daily send limits cause exceptions), OR:
  • Configure devise to intelligently handle SMTP send rejection (if possible)
  • Replace the secret_token (config/initializers/secret_token.rb) with env var for production
  • Revisit the calendar drop down options and clarify
  • On registration, calculate number of holiday days remaining based on current date
  • On invitation, allow manager to set the number of holiday days remaining
  • Revisit “Active Team Holidays” list, is this working correctly for both user types?
  • Refactor Rspec tests, manually test and add additional specs and fixes where necessary
  • Refactor codebase as needed, multiple unused files and routes exist
  • Refactor CSS, clean up the Twitter Bootstrap integration
  • Browser-test and improve the general style and appearance as necessary
  • Add localisation, as needed
  • Password Strength - server function is now in place with tests done in the Edit User feature. Would be nice to get a client side feature in as well going forward too.


  • Orphaned holiday records cause multiple parts of the system to fail (do not manually delete users from the database)
  • Application-wide timezone config has been set (this will affect legacy database records)


MIT Copyright 2011 - Eamon Skelly