About Me

Hey I'm TechnoPvP, but my real name is Adam, I've been a problem-solving enthusiast since I was yay high. In my spare time, I convert concepts from idea to fullstack applications. You can often find me chatting and helping like-minded members of various online communities. I'm a big fan of open-source projects, and I love to give back to the community whenever I can. Professionally I work as a Senior Fullstack Developer for Airhub Aviation. However, I'm always open to new & exciting problems to solve so let’s connect at adam@webrevived.com.

📚 Languages

  • Javascript/TS (Node) (8+ years)
  • Python (5+ years)
  • Java (2+ years)

💻 What I've worked with

React Svelte Vue.js Next JS Nuxtjs Quasar Gatsby React Query Redux React Hook Form p5js TailwindCSS Windicss Vite Fastify Express.js NestJS Sequelize Prisma TypeScript Deno JS Strapi Docker Vercel Vultr OVH Cloudflare Neovim Visual Studio Code Gitpod