
The source code behind dietjs.com

Primary LanguageHTML

Welcome to Dietjs.com repository

This is the source code for dietjs.com

Contributions are very welcome!


cd ~/path/to/dietjs.com/
npm install


node index.js
open http://localhost:8000/

Project Structure

Startup file

The app starts at index.js . This is the only node.js file that matters all routes are configured here.

Static Files

All static files can be found in the /static folder within their respective folders.

  • html files under /static/html/
  • css under /static/styles/
  • regular javascripts under /static/scripts/
  • pretty javascripts under /static/prettify/

Configuration File

  • Environmental configurations can be found in config.js


  • This is a json file containing meta informations for each page for SEO purposes.