
Blackwake server Dockerised

Primary LanguageDockerfile

Blackwake server for Docker

Config Files

The following files in /blackwake should be mounted to the host filesystem:

  • Admin.txt
  • Banner.jpg (optional)
  • Bans.txt
  • CaptainLeaderboard.txt (optional)
  • Mod.txt
  • Server.cfg
  • ServerAnnouncements.txt
  • ServerMessage.txt

Most of these files will be generated by the server on first run if not present.


Uses SteamID64 format in the form of username=id. For example:

  • CaptainKidd=763655178145125746

Admins can use /restart to force a server restart from ingame, or /endround to end the current round


Optional, dimensions are 500 by 80 pixels


Generated by server, uses same format as Admin.txt


Generated by server, useful to mount if you want leaderboard data external to container


Can be added to using in-game options, uses same format as Admin.txt


  • serverName - Name of the server as seen on the server list
  • useIp - the ip you want incoming connections on, leave blank for default
  • port - Game server port
  • sport - Steam game server port
  • hideFromList - Hide this server from the server list
  • restartHour - The hour of the day (0-23) when the server should auto restart to prevent time inaccuracies, set to -1 to disable
  • password - Password
  • gamemode - Game mode to run, 1 TDM 16, 2 TDM 32, 3 -, 4 -, 5 TDM Hoy 2v2, 6 TDM Galleon 2v2, 7 Fleet, 8 CTB, 9 TT
  • friendlyPlayerCollision - Friendly players bump into each other, this can sometimes launch players
  • friendlySpreadFires - Requies the above setting to be on, and will spread fires between friendly players that bump into eachother
  • friendlyFire - Friendly fire
  • friendlyShipDamage - Cause damage to friendly ships
  • forceEqualFactions - Will only give new players the option to join the faction with less players
  • shipSpeedFactor - Speed of the ships, 1 is default, 0.5 is 50%, 2 is 200% etc
  • playerUpdateRate - Times per second player positions are updated. Minimum of 10. Increasing this uses more network usage but will reduce sliding/delay during melee fighting
  • allowGlobalVoice - by default players can only use global during voting and the win screen (0) changing this to (1) will allow it during the round


Random lines in this file will be broadcasted in the chatbox every 2 minutes.


Message displayed when players first join with server rules. Discord link can be added with format discordLink=discordInviteUrl. Must end with --end--.

Build Notes

  • Xvfb is used because Blackwake will not boot fully without a display server present, even with -nographics set.
  • The server outputs a lot of debug messages, there doesn't appear to be a way to disable this currently.