
A simple command line utility for aliasing your favourite files, directories, and git branches.

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT

 f:::::f       ffffff
 f:::::f            __               __                               _
f:::::::f (_)___   / _| ___  _ __   / _| __ ___   _____  _   _ _ __(_) |_ ___
f:::::::f | / __| | |_ / _ \| '__| | |_ / _` \ \ / / _ \| | | | '__| | __/ _ \
f:::::::f | \__ \ |  _| (_) | |    |  _| (_| |\ V / (_) | |_| | |  | | ||  __/
fffffffff |_|___/ |_|  \___/|_|    |_|  \__,_| \_/ \___/ \__,_|_|  |_|\__\___|

f is a simple command line utility for aliasing your favourite files, and directories.


You simply type f and then your file, directory, or branch alias. For example,

f t

will change your current working directory to the one aliased by t, or, if t was an alias for a file, it will open that file in the program specified by $EDITOR.

Aliases are simply symlinks inside of an alias directory. By default, the alias directory is ~/.f, but you can change this by setting the $F_ALIAS_PATH environment variable to point to another directory.

Full usage:

f ALIAS                Navigate to ALIAS.
f -a, --add SRC ALIAS  Add a new alias.
f -h, --help           Print this help text.
f -l, --list           List all current f aliases.
f -p, --print ALIAS    Prints an alias's value to stdout.


Clone this repo and arrange for f.sh to be sourced. For tab completion in zsh, put _f on your $fpath. Bash completion is not supported at this time.

Advantages over plain shell aliases

Why not just alias all of your common directories, files, and git branches directly in shell? Well, you could do that, but here are a few advantages of using f instead:

  1. f is effectively a namespace. f aliases won't conflict with other aliases, shell functions, or binaries on your $PATH.
  2. f automatically knows what to do with each alias, be it a file or directory. This allows you to just specify a name/path, rather than the command as well.


MIT license. See the LICENSE file for details.