
Generates Chef knife commands from a simple JSON or YAML file.

Primary LanguageShell


Spiceweasel is a command-line tool for batch loading Chef infrastructure. It provides a simple syntax in either JSON or YAML for describing and deploying infrastructure in order with the Chef command-line tool knife.

The examples directory provides examples based on the Quick Starts provided at http://help.opscode.com/kb/otherhelp.

CHANGELOG.md covers current, previous and future development milestones and contains the features backlog.


Spiceweasel currently depends on knife to run commands for it. Infrastructure files must either end in .json or .yml to be processed.

Written with Chef 0.9.12 and 0.10.0 and supports cookbooks, environments, roles, data bags and nodes.


Tested with Ubuntu 10.04 and Chef 0.9.16 and 0.10.0.

File Syntax

The syntax for the spiceweasel file may be either JSON or YAML format of Chef primitives describing what is to be instantiated. Below or 2 examples describing the same infrastructure.


From the example.yml:

- apache2:
- apt:
    - 1.1.1
- mysql:

- development:
- qa:
- production:

- base:
- monitoring:
- webserver:

data bags:
- users:
  - alice
  - bob
  - chuck
- data:
  - *
- passwords:
  - secret secret_key
  - mysql
  - rabbitmq

- serverA:
  - role[base]
  - -i ~/.ssh/mray.pem -x user --sudo -d ubuntu10.04-gems
- serverB serverC:
  - role[base]
  - -i ~/.ssh/mray.pem -x user --sudo -d ubuntu10.04-gems
- ec2 3:
  - role[webserver] recipe[mysql::client]
  - -S mray -i ~/.ssh/mray.pem -x ubuntu -G default -I ami-7000f019 -f m1.small
- rackspace 3:
  - recipe[mysql],role[monitoring]
  - --image 49 --flavor 2


From the example.json:

    "data bags":
             "secret secret_key",
             "-i ~/.ssh/mray.pem -x user --sudo -d ubuntu10.04-gems"
        {"serverB serverC":
             "-i ~/.ssh/mray.pem -x user --sudo -d ubuntu10.04-gems"
        {"ec2 3":
             "role[webserver] recipe[mysql::client]",
             "-S mray -i ~/.ssh/mray.pem -x ubuntu -G default -I ami-7000f019 -f m1.small"
        {"rackspace 3":
             "--image 49 --flavor 2"


The cookbooks section of the JSON or YAML file currently supports knife cookbook upload FOO where FOO is the name of the cookbook in the cookbooks directory. If a version is passed, it is validated against an existing cookbook metadata.rb (it must match the metadata.rb string exactly) and if none is found, the missing cookbook is downloaded (without touching version control) and the command to untar it is provided. You may pass any additional arguments if necessary. The YAML snippet

- apache2:
- apt:
  - 1.1.0
- mysql:

produces the knife commands

knife cookbook upload apache2
knife cookbook site download apt 1.1.0 --file cookbooks/apt.tgz 
tar -C cookbooks/ -xf cookbooks/apt.tgz
knife cookbook upload apt
knife cookbook upload mysql


The environments section of the JSON or YAML file currently supports knife environment from file FOO where FOO is the name of the environment file ending in .rb in the environments directory. The YAML snippet

- development:
- qa:
- production:

produces the knife commands

knife environment from file development.rb
knife environment from file qa.rb
knife environment from file production.rb


The roles section of the JSON or YAML file currently supports knife role from file FOO where FOO is the name of the role file ending in .rb in the roles directory. The YAML snippet

- base:
- monitoring:
- webserver:

produces the knife commands

knife role from file base.rb
knife role from file monitoring.rb
knife role from file webserver.rb

Data Bags

The data bags section of the JSON or YAML file currently creates the data bags listed with knife data bag create FOO where FOO is the name of the data bag. Individual items may be added to the data bag as part of a JSON or YAML sequence, the assumption is made that they .json files and in the data_bags/FOO directory. You may also pass a wildcard as an entry to load all matching data bags (ie. *). Encrypted data bags are supported by listing secret filename as the first item (where filename is the secret key to be used). Assuming the presence of dataA.json and dataB.json in the data_bags/data directory, the YAML snippet

data bags:
- users:
  - alice
  - bob
  - chuck
- data:
  - *
- passwords:
  - secret secret_key
  - mysql
  - rabbitmq

produces the knife commands

knife data bag create users
knife data bag from file users data_bags/users/alice.json
knife data bag from file users data_bags/users/bob.json
knife data bag from file users data_bags/users/chuck.json
knife data bag create data
knife data bag from file users data_bags/data/dataA.json
knife data bag from file users data_bags/data/dataB.json
knife data bag create passwords
knife data bag from file passwords data_bags/passwords/mysql.json --secret-file secret_key
knife data bag from file passwords data_bags/passwords/rabbitmq.json --secret-file secret_key


The nodes section of the JSON or YAML file bootstraps a node for each entry where the entry is a hostname or provider and count. Each node requires 2 items after it in a sequence. The first item is the run_list and the second the CLI options used. The run_list may be space or comma-delimited. Validation is performed on the run_list components to ensure that only recipes and roles listed in the file are used. A shortcut syntax for bulk-creating nodes with various providers where the line starts with the provider and ends with the number of nodes to be provisioned. The YAML snippet

- serverA:
  - role[base]
  - -i ~/.ssh/mray.pem -x user --sudo -d ubuntu10.04-gems
- serverB serverC:
  - role[base]
  - -i ~/.ssh/mray.pem -x user --sudo -d ubuntu10.04-gems
- ec2 3:
  - role[webserver] recipe[mysql::client]
  - -S mray -i ~/.ssh/mray.pem -x ubuntu -G default -I ami-7000f019 -f m1.small
- rackspace 3:
  - recipe[mysql],role[monitoring]
  - --image 49 --flavor 2

produces the knife commands

knife bootstrap serverA 'role[base]' -i ~/.ssh/mray.pem -x user --sudo -d ubuntu10.04-gems
knife bootstrap serverB 'role[base]' -i ~/.ssh/mray.pem -x user --sudo -d ubuntu10.04-gems
knife bootstrap serverC 'role[base]' -i ~/.ssh/mray.pem -x user --sudo -d ubuntu10.04-gems
knife ec2 server create 'role[webserver],recipe[mysql::client]' -S mray -i ~/.ssh/mray.pem -x ubuntu -G default -I ami-7000f019 -f m1.small
knife ec2 server create 'role[webserver],recipe[mysql::client]' -S mray -i ~/.ssh/mray.pem -x ubuntu -G default -I ami-7000f019 -f m1.small
knife ec2 server create 'role[webserver],recipe[mysql::client]' -S mray -i ~/.ssh/mray.pem -x ubuntu -G default -I ami-7000f019 -f m1.small
knife rackspace server create 'recipe[mysql],role[monitoring]' --image 49 --flavor 2
knife rackspace server create 'recipe[mysql],role[monitoring]' --image 49 --flavor 2
knife rackspace server create 'recipe[mysql],role[monitoring]' --image 49 --flavor 2


To run a spiceweasel file, run the following from you Chef repository directory:

spiceweasel path/to/infrastructure.json


spiceweasel path/to/infrastructure.yml

This will generate the knife commands to build the described infrastructure. Infrastructure files must end in either .json or .yml.


This is the default action, printing the knife commands to be run without executing them.


The delete command will generate the knife commands to delete the infrastructure described in the file. This includes each cookbook, role, data bag, environment and node listed. Currently all nodes from the system are deleted with knife node bulk_delete, specific-node support will be added in a future release.


Print the currently-supported usage options for spiceweasel.


The rebuild command will generate the knife commands to delete and recreate the infrastructure described in the file. This includes each cookbook, role, data bag, environment and node listed. Currently all nodes from the system are deleted with knife node bulk_delete, specific-node support will be added in a future release.


Print the version of spiceweasel currently installed.

License and Author

Author: Matt Ray matt@opscode.com

Copyright: 2011 Opscode, Inc

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.