- Host
- Audience
Inspiration: a chat room
Socket Endpoint : /chat
open : join the room
on_close : remove self from room
on_message : every 0.5 - 1 seconds, get all location+message of current members in the room
Problem: Running on heroku/cloud instance means that multiple instance of the app will be spawned, for load balancing. Hence, 1 instance of the app may not contain all members
Solution: Using a external cache such as redis to maintain the global states of the system (state of all users etc.)
Extend to multiple 'rooms' or sessions
2 different set of APIs
Socket Endpoint : /host
open : Create room
on_close : remove room
on_message : every 0.5 - 1 seconds, get all location of current audience
Socket Endpoint : /join
open : open polling
on_close : remove from waiters
on_message : every 0.5 - 1 seconds, send location to server.