
Automated accessibility testing using HTML_Codesniffer (WCAG and Section508) with fixed reporting

Primary LanguageJavaScript

AccessSniff Extended

Build Status codecov

A CLI, JsDom and PhantomJs library for HTML_CodeSniffer

This fork writes the report, even if errors are detected in input files.

Example Image

Getting Started

Install this plugin with npm install access-sniff-ext --save


var AccessSniff = require('access-sniff-ext');

  .default(['**/*.html'], options)
  .then(function(report) {
    AccessSniff.report(report, reportOptions);


import AccessSniff, { reports as AccessReports } from 'access-sniff-ext';

AccessSniff(['**/*.html'], options)
  .then(report => AccessReports(report, reportOptions));


npm install access-sniff-ext -g
sniff test/**/*.html -r json -l reports

AccessSniff can test both locally hosted files and websites.

sniff http://statamic.com/ -r json -l reports


You can pass the following options

Accessibility Level

accessibilityLevel is a string

options: {
  accessibilityLevel: 'WCAG2A'

Levels are WCAG2A, WCAG2AA, WCAG2AAA, and Section508


You can create an .accessibilityrc file in your project to set options:

  "ignore": [

Ignore By Rule Identifier

ignore is an array

You can ignore rules by placing them in an array outlined below.

options: {
  ignore: [

Rules will also match to remove and entire set.

WCAG2A.Principle2.Guideline2_4.2_4_2.H25.1 will ignore WCAG2A.Principle2.Guideline2_4.2_4_2.H25.1.NoTitleEl

Ignore By Other Information

ignoreByDescription, ignoreByElement, ignoreByClass and ignoreById are arrays

You can ignore rules by including their description, element content, CSS class or HTML ID in their full as string, or by including regular expression matching their textual value. This can be useful to ignore only some problem occurrences, which are "false positives", while retaining the other checks done by the same rule.

options: {
  ignoreByDescription: [
    'This form field should be labelled in some way. Use the label element ' +
    '(either with a "for" attribute or wrapped around the form field), or ' +
    '"title", "aria-label" or "aria-labelledby" attributes as appropriate.',
    /^This element has a role of "\w+" but does not have a name available to an accessibility API\. Valid names are: [^.]+\.$/
  ignoreByElement: [
    /^<a id="herpDerp" class="[^"]*" href="test">Test<\/a>$/
  ignoreByClass: [
  ignoreById: [

Error levels

errorLevels is an object

  options: {
    errorLevels: {
      notice: false,
      warning: false,
      error: true

If an issue of a certain level is found and this level is flagged by true in errorLevels, validation will fail

Verbose output

verbose is a boolean

options: {
  verbose: false

Output messages to console, set to true by default


force is a boolean, defaults to false

options: {
  force: true

Continue running in the event of failures. You can catch failures from the promise as below:

AccessSniff(['**/*.html'], options)
.then(report => AccessReports(report, reportOptions));
.catch(error => console.error(error))


browser is a boolean, defaults to false

options: {
  browser: false

AccessSniff uses jsDom as the default, setting this to true will use PhantomJs instead


maxBuffer is a number, defaults to 500*1024

In certain situations you might have to increase the memory allocated to render a page.

options: {
  maxBuffer: 500*1024


You can pass the following options to the report generator


  • Reports are now generated from the returned json to the report module
  • Report location is required to write a report
  • Reports return the content from the report

Modular Reporting

You can use the inbuilt system or create your own

AccessSniff.report(report, reportOptions)

Report Type

reportType is a string

options: {
  reportType: 'json'

Text, CSV or JSON format output

  • txt will output text files
  • json will output .json files
  • csv will output csv

Report Location

reportLocation is a string

  options: {
    reportLocation: 'reports'

Set the value to where you want reports created

Report Levels

reportLevels is an object

  options: {
    reportLevels: {
      notice: true,
      warning: true,
      error: true

Set a value to false to limit output


You can use the CLI component by installing it globally with npm install -g access-sniff-ext

sniff test/**/*.html -r json -l reports
sniff test/**/*.html -r csv -l reports
sniff test/**/*.html -r txt -l reports


Error Levels

-e or -errorLevels

Combination of comma-delimited error, warning and notice.

Report Type

-r or -reportType

txt, csv, json.

Report Location

-r or -reportLocation


-f or -force


-q or -quiet