
Lazy load responsive images

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Responsively Lazy

The best lazy loading implementation available.

  • Handles responsive images
  • Truly lazy (absolutely no unnecessary requests)
  • SEO friendly (valid HTML)
  • Supports WebP

You can find a demo at http://ivopetkov.github.io/responsivelyLazy/ and learn how the magic works at http://ivopetkov.com/b/lazy-load-responsive-images/

Download and install

Download the minified css and js files or install through npm and bower

npm install responsively-lazy
bower install responsively-lazy

The library does not have any dependencies, and it's just 1.1kb gzipped and minified.


  • Include the css file in the head tag
<link rel="stylesheet" href="responsivelyLazy.min.css">
  • Include the js file right before the end of the body tag
<script async src="responsivelyLazy.min.js"></script>
  • Add the following code for each image
<div class="responsively-lazy" style="padding-bottom:68.44%;">
    <img alt="" src="images/2500.jpg" data-srcset="images/400.jpg 400w, images/400.webp 400w, images/600.jpg 600w, images/1000.jpg 1000w" srcset="" />

The things to customize are the padding-bottom style, and the values of the src and data-srcset attributes. If you don't know the image aspect ratio you can skip the div tag and move the responsively-lazy class to te img tag:

<img class="responsively-lazy" alt="" src="images/2500.jpg" data-srcset="images/400.jpg 400w, images/400.webp 400w, images/600.jpg 600w, images/1000.jpg 1000w" srcset="" />

You can list image versions in the WebP format which will be used if the browser supports it.

A new concept

Responsively Lazy is very different from the other lazy loading libraries. They make you break your HTML by removing the src attribute, or make you put tiny version there or make you use <noscript> to make your images appear in Google Images. The following code has worked for ages:

<img src="image.jpg" />

Let's not break it when we can enhance it.

<img src="image.jpg" data-src="image-200.jpg 200w, image-400.jpg 400w" srcset="..." />

Browser support

The lazy loading works in browsers supporting the srcset attribute. As of December 2015 that's 66.47%. Unsupported browsers will load the image in the src attribute. That's the image search engines and social networks will find, so it's better to make it high resolution.


Free to use under the MIT license.

Got questions?

You can find me at @IvoPetkovCom and ivopetkov.com