
Old version of adamratzman.com site using KVision/Kotlin. Please see new repo (adamint/adamratzman.com) for React version.

Primary LanguageKotlin


My personal site, built using Kotlin, HTML, and CSS (no JavaScript!). Frontend framework is KVision, backend is Ktor. Publishable using docker (publish and run scripts inside the repository root).

Gradle Tasks

Resource Processing

  • generatePotFile - Generates a src/frontendMain/resources/i18n/messages.pot translation template file.


  • compileKotlinFrontend - Compiles frontend sources.
  • compileKotlinBackend - Compiles backend sources.


  • frontendRun - Starts a webpack dev server on port 3000
  • backendRun - Starts a dev server on port 8080


  • frontendBrowserWebpack - Bundles the compiled js files into build/distributions
  • frontendJar - Packages a standalone "web" frontend jar with all required files into build/libs/*.jar
  • backendJar - Packages a backend jar with compiled source files into build/libs/*.jar
  • jar - Packages a "fat" jar with all backend sources and dependencies while also embedding frontend resources into build/libs/*.jar