Solving SQL problems from stratascratch website and adding my solutions to this repo 😊

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Site link: Stratascratch

Contents of this repo

| Ques Id    | Difficulty | Problems
| ID 10167 | Easy         | Total Number Of Housing Units
| ID 09731 | Medium   | Find all businesses whose lowest and highest inspection scores are different
| ID 09650 | Medium   | Find the top 10 ranked songs in 2010
| ID 09930 | Medium   | Find libraries with the highest number of total renewals
| ID 02045 | Medium   | Days Without Hiring/Termination
| ID 10353 | Medium   | Workers With The Highest Salaries
| ID 09781 | Medium   | Find the rate of processed tickets for each type
| ID 09859 | Medium   | Find the first 50% records of the dataset
| ID 10089 | Medium   | Find the number of customers without an order
| ID 09599 | Medium   | Old And Young Athletes
| ID 09744 | Medium   | The Best Artist
| ID 09814 | Hard         | Counting Instances in Text
| ID 10284 | Hard         | Popularity Percentage
| ID 10173 | Medium   | Days At Number One
| ID 09640 | Medium   | Find the average number of searches from each user
| ID 09849 | Medium   | Find the duplicate records in the dataset
| ID 10078 | Medium   | Find matching hosts and guests with same gender and nationality
| ID 09849 | Medium   | Find employees in the HR department
| ID 09892 | Medium   | Second Highest Salary