Pairing-friendly Curves Generation

This repository tries to implement (in SageMath) the methods from the standard ISO/IEC 15946-5:2017 - Elliptic curve generation, Chapter 7: Constructing elliptic curves by complex multiplication.

The current state of the implementation is following:

Method Status
General construction 🚧
Miyaji-Nakabayashi-Takano (MNT) curve 🚧
Barreto-Naehrig (BN) curve
Freeman curve (F curve)
Cocks-Pinch (CP) curve

✅ = completed, 🚧 = work-in-progress, ❌ = not started

How to run

For example, you can run the Barreto-Naehrig method as follows:

sage -h

This command prints the help message which shows all the available parameters of the generation method.