Rebooting the Web of Trust VII: Toronto (September 2018)
This repository contains documents related to RWOT7, the seventh Rebooting the Web of Trust design workshop, which is to run in the Toronto area on September 26th-September 28th, 2018. The goal of the workshop is to generate five technical white papers and/or proposals on topics decided by the group that would have the greatest impact on the future.
Please see the Web of Trust Info website for more information about our community. Please visit Eventbrite to register.
Topics & Advance Readings
In advance of the design workshop, all participants are encouraged to produce a one-or-two page topic paper to be shared with the other attendees on either:
- A specific problem that they wanted to solve with a web-of-trust solution, and why current solutions (PGP or CA-based PKI) can't address the problem
- A specific solution related to the web-of-trust that you'd like others to use or contribute to
This should be uploaded to Topics & Advance Readings directory.
Here are the advanced readings to date:
- Agent to Agent Communication Protocol Overview by Kyle Den Hartog
- CapAuth by Manu Sporny, Dave Longley, Chris Webber, and Ganesh Annan
- Decentralized Error Reporting by Jack Poole
- DIDDoc Conventions for Interoperability by Stephen Curran & Olena Mitovska
- DIDs In DPKI by Greg Slepak
- Five Mental Models of Identity by Joe Andrieu
- More control for Identity Holders by Arturo Manzaneda and Ismenia Galvao
- IPLD as a general pattern for DID Documents by Christian Lundkvist
- Magenc Magnet URIs: Secure Object Permanence for the Web by Christopher Lemmer Webber
- Measuring Trust by Tyler Yasaka
- Not-a-Bot: A Use Case for Decentralized Identity using Proximity Verification to generate a Web of Trust by Moses Ma & Claire Rumore
- The Political Economy of Naming by Kate Sills
- Resource Integrity Proofs by Ganesh Annan, Manu Sporny, Dave Longley, and David Lehn
- The Role of Standards in Accelerating Innovation by Michael B. Jones
- Zero Trust Computing with DIDs and DADs by Samuel M. Smith
- A Public Web-of-Trust of Public Identities by Ouri Poupko and Ehud Shapiro
- A Trustless Web-of-Trust by Ouri Poupko
- Verifiable Displays by Kim Hamilton Duffy, Lucas Parker & Anthony Ronning
- Verifiable Offline Credentials by Michael Lodder
- Cryptocurrency wallets as an application of Functional Identity by Mikerah Quintyne-Collins and Abdulwasay Mehar
- JWE/JWT0based DID Auth implementation of RWOT DID Auth Flow #10 by Henry Tsai, Danny Strockis, Daniel Buchner
- Identity Hub Permissions proposal by Danny Strockis, Logan Girvin, Daniel Buchner
These primers overview major topics which are likely to be discussed at the design workshop. If you read nothing else, read these. (But really, read as much as you can!)
- DID Primer — Decentralized Identifiers (extended version also available)
- Functional Identity Primer — A different way to look at identity
- Verifiable Credentials Primer — the project formerly known as Verifiable Claims
- DIDs In DPKI - how DIDs fit into Decentralized Public-key Infrastructure
Other Readings of Interest
Following are some of the finished papers from past design shops. They're good reading to understand who we are and what our priorities and goals are:
- Rebranding the Web of Trust — What is the Webof Trust? A quick overview. RWOT1
- DID Implementer's Draft — The draft for decentralized identifiers, the most robust and complete spec to come out of our design shops. RWOT3
- Satisfying Real-World Use Cases — Digital identity in the real-world. RWOT1
- Identity Crisis: Identity through Correlation — An alternative way to look at identity. RWOT2
- HIE of One Blockchain — Identity and the physician-patient relationship. RWOT2
- Smart Consent Protocol — COALA and Consent Receipts. RWOT3
You may also wish to read Christopher Allen's core article on self-sovereign identity:
- The Path to Self-Sovereign Identity — Ten principles of self-sovereign identity. Life with Alacrity
Complete Rebooting the Web of Trust Listing
A different repository is available for each of the Rebooting the Web of Trust design workshops:
- Rebooting the Web of Trust I: San Francisco (November 2015)
- Rebooting the Web of Trust II: ID2020 - New York City (May 2016)
- Rebooting the Web of Trust III: San Francisco (October 2016)
- Rebooting the Web of Trust IV: Paris (April 2017)
- Rebooting the Web of Trust V: Boston (October 2017)
- Rebooting the Web of Trust VI: Santa Barbara (March 2018)
- Rebooting the Web of Trust VII: Toronto (September 2018)
All of the contents of this directory are licensed Creative Commons CC-BY their contributors.