
Tool for environment variables in Go. No more need to export your secrets in Shell.

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT

🌚 easyenv

Environment variables in Golang never have been simpler!
Save them in the file and you are ready to Go!

No more need to set your variables in Shell!


  1. Import my package to your project
    go get github.com/adamjedrzejec/easyenv

  2. Then inside your .go file import easyenv package:
    import "github.com/adamjedrzejec/easyenv"

  3. Create file with any name you wish to store your environment variables, e.g. .env. Do not forget to add it to .gitignore

  4. Store your environment variables line-by-line. Working formats:

  5. Inside the file you have imported easyenv package, you can use the easyenv.GetEnv(<absolute_path_to_env_file>) function, to get your environment variables. It returns two values: map[string]string and error.

Always stay safe!