
Reader module for Moodle >= 2.0

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The Reader module for Moodle >= 2.0

The Reader module for Moodle >= 2.0 tracks the students' reading achievements by maintaining a total of the number words each student reads. After reading one of the books at an appropriate reading level, a student takes a quiz to demonstrate a reasonable understanding of the content of the book. If they pass the quiz, the number of words in the book is added to the total number of words they have read. Students are encouraged to work toward the reading goal, which is the number of words the teacher expects them to read in a term. Various reports are available to the teacher who can adjust the reading goals, student levels, and book difficulty if required.


This version of the Moodlereader plugin incorporates an alternative progress bar. The colours cycle through red, orange, yellow and green before finally settling on blue when the user has met their reading target. After reaching the reading target, a second progress bar appears to encourage further reading. The second progress bar recalibrates itself every time it fills up to double the reading "goal;" communicating that one may always read a bit more...

This is NOT the original reader module. This is just an altered version of a great work. For the original by Gordon Bateson, please see https://github.com/gbateson/moodle-mod_reader 

To INSTALL or UPDATE the Reader module

    1. Get the files for this plugin from any one of the following locations:

        (a) GIT: https://github.com/adamjenkins/moodle-mod_reader.git

    2. Log in to Moodle as an administrator to initiate the install/upgrade process. If the install/upgrade does not begin automatically, you can initiate it manually by navigating to the following item on your Moodle site:
        (a) Administration -> Site administration -> Notifications

    3. You will also need to install the the Ordering question type, which is available from the following location:
        (a) https://moodle.org/plugins/view.php?plugin=qtype_ordering

To SETUP the Reader module on your site

    1. Create a username on http://moodlereader.org/

    2. Contact Tom Robb by email (tom@moodlereader.org) and request that your username on moodlereader.org be given authorization to download the Reader module quizzes.

    3. Create a new course on your Moodle site called "Reader Quizzes". This course will be used to store any Reader quizzes that you download. MAKE SURE THE COURSE HIDDEN FROM STUDENTS.

    4. Enter the download information in the settings for the Reader module on your Moodle site.
        (a) Site administration ->︎ Plugins ->︎ Activity modules ->︎ Reader
        (b) Reader quizzes course  : select the "Reader Quizzes" course
        (c) Reader server URL      : http://moodlereader.net/quizbank
        (d) Reader server username : (your username on moodlereader.org)
        (e) Reader server password : (your password on moodlereader.org)

To ADD a Reader activity to a Moodle course

    1. Login to your Moodle site as a teacher or administrator, and navigate to a course page.

    2. Enable "Edit mode" on the course page.

    3. Locate the topic/week where you wish to add the Reader activity.

    4. Click the "Add an activity or resource" link and select "Reader" from the list of activities.

    5. Input a name for the Reader activity and review other settings.

    6. Click "Save changes" at bottom of page.

To DOWNLOAD QUIZZES for the Reader module

    Before downloading Reader quizzes, please ensure that you have setup the Reader module on your Moodle site, as described earlier in this document. i.e. you have created a hidden "Reader Quizzes" course and added your MoodleReader.org access information to the Reader module settings on your Moodle site.

    1. Within a Reader activity, navigate to the "Books" tab, and then the "Download book data (and quizzes)" tab.

    2. From the list of books, select the books whose data and quizzes you wish to download.

    3. At the botom of the page, select the course category and name of the hidden "Reader Quizzes" course.

    4. Click the DOWNLOAD button, and confirm that the books are downloaded as expected.

To ACCESS QUIZZES for the Reader module

    1. Students navigate to their Moodle course, and click the link to view the Reader activity.

    2. Students locate the quiz for a book by using either the "Search for a book" input box or the "Select a book" menus.

    3. When students have located the required quiz, they click the "Take this quiz" button.

    4. Please remember that students can only take each quiz once. They cannot retake quizzes. Furthermore, they cannot take quizzes for books with essentially the same title as books they have previously read. Therefore, they should be sure to read a book completely, BEFORE attempting the quiz.


    For more information, tutorials and online discussion forums, please visit:

    The online forum to report bugs with the Reader module and get more help is at the following URL: