AVC YouTube Metadata Editor

Primary LanguagePython

AVC YouTube Metadata Editor

The important part is MetadataEditor class, which can upload a thumbnail to YT video, or edit it's metadata. Samples can be seen im editorTester.py. Also, some other scripts for access token generation are incuded (see Access token section).

As this was designed to process batches of videos based on input from Airtable, some sample usage (without any documentation, yet) is in service.py.


pip install google-auth-oauthlib
pip install google-api-python-client  
pip install google-auth-httplib2

Access token

Create project at console.developer.google.com. Make consent screen, save it, but don't send it for google verification. Then go to credentials, create OAuth cliend ID, download it as json (client?secret.json), and then let this json be processed with oauth_autorize_token.py Run the script, you will get an URL, visit it in browser (you will get warning about unauthorized app, doesn't matter), choose account, and you will get key. Paste that to the console, and token json will be printed. Save that to token.json, which is used by MetedataEditor class. On init, the class uses that refresh token to generate access tokens. Access tokens are valid for 60 minutes. You are expected to process all requests withint that period. Automatic refresh of tokens is not implemented yet. If your script will run for a longer time, you should call get_auth_token sometimes. `