
a system for SHaring cLIPs in max for live

Shlip (Sharing Clips)

Design Notes

  • A single device will be used in each participating copy of Live.

  • [live.observer] watches all clips on the track containing the device.

  • When a clip is added (or deleted?), the device will broadcast a message containing all the meta data needed to reconstruct the clip. (see below for format)

  • Any copies of the device that receive the broadcasted message will look for a track matching the received track name

  • If the track name exists on the receiving side, then the clip will be reconstructed at the indicated clip index in that track (this currently requires that a clip already exists in the slot since the Live API does not yet allow creating a clip)

Message format:

track {name}
index {clip_index}
name {clip_name}
length {clip_length}
notes {number_of_notes}
note {pitch} {starttime} {duration} {velocity} {is_deactivated}
note ...
note ...

Message format details

  • the track name is the name of the track containing the device (the one being observed)
  • pitch and velocity are standard midi values 0-127
  • clip_length, starttime and duration are in terms of beats (float value)