
Fork of material-ui-phone-number

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Highly customizable phone input component with auto formatting. Based on mui-phone-number which is not maintained anymore; and which was in turn based on the wonderful react-phone-input-2 package.

This library is actively maintained and currently being rewritten into functional style (previous one was class based).

It looks like this, but in Material Design:

alt tag

Uses @material-ui/core/TextField for rendering the phone input


npm install material-ui-phone-number2 --save


import MuiPhoneNumber from 'material-ui-phone-number2'

React.render(<MuiPhoneNumber defaultCountry={'us'} onChange={handleOnChange} />, document.getElementById('root'))

Your handler for the onChange event should expect a string as parameter, where the value is that of the entered phone number. For example:

function handleOnChange(value) {
    phone: value,


Name Type Description Example
excludeCountries array array of country codes to be excluded ['cu','cw','kz']
onlyCountries array country codes to be included ['cu','cw','kz']
preferredCountries array country codes to be at the top ['cu','cw','kz']
defaultCountry string initial country 'us'
inputClass string class for input
dropdownClass string class for dropdown container
autoFormat bool on/off auto formatting, true by default
disableAreaCodes bool disable local codes for all countries
disableCountryCode bool false by default
disableDropdown bool false by default
enableLongNumbers bool false by default
countryCodeEditable bool true by default
Supported TextField props
See TextField API for possible values https://material-ui.com/api/text-field/


Name Type Description
regions array/string to only show codes from selected regions
['america', 'europe', 'asia', 'oceania', 'africa']
['north-america', 'south-america', 'central-america', 'carribean', 'european-union', 'ex-ussr', 'middle-east', 'north-africa']

Regions selected: {'europe'}

<MuiPhoneInput defaultCountry="it" regions={'europe'} />

Regions selected: {['north-america', 'carribean']}

<MuiPhoneInput defaultCountry="ca" regions={['north-america', 'carribean']} />


Name Type
localization object
  onlyCountries=['de', 'es']
  localization={{'Germany': 'Deutschland', 'Spain': 'España'}}

Supported events

onChange onFocus onBlur onClick onKeyDown

Country data object not returns from onKeyDown event

Data Type Description
value/event string/object the event or the phone number
country data object the country object { name, dialCode, country code (iso2 format) }


MIT Licence.

Based on material-ui-phone-number

Based on react-phone-input-2

Based on react-phone-input using MIT