
College project from Spring 2016 where I implemented a prefix calculator taking in an infix expression in Java.

Primary LanguageJava

Prefix Calculator

General Information

Despite the name, this calculator reads in any text file containing infix formulas and evaluates them. My program includes these supported operators: +,-,*,/,%,^,<,>,=,&,|,!. For my program the spacing of the equations does not matter. In addition, floating point numbers are also allowed.

How To Get Going

You can run the program by first compiling it and then running the following command:

./Main input.txt result.txt

This will read in the equations in input.txt and output the results in result.txt.

Implementation Details

  • Supported Operators: +,-,*,/,%,^,<,>,=,&,|,!
  • Supported type of numbers: Integer, Double
  • Spacing does not matter
  • Error handling for wrong input.

File Information

  • Calculator.java -- Class which translates and evaluates infix expressions.
  • DoubleLinkedList.java -- Class implementing a DoublyLinkedList.
  • DoubleNode.java -- Class representing the Node for a DoublyLinkedList.
  • DoublyLinkedList.java -- Interface of a DoublyLinkedList.
  • LinkedList.java -- Class implementing a SimpleLinkedList.
  • Node.java -- Class representing the Node for a LinkedList.
  • SimpleLinkedList.java -- Interface of a SimpleLinkedList.
  • Queue.java -- Class implementing the Queue interface.
  • QueueInterface.java -- Queue Interface.
  • Stack.java -- Class implementing the Stack interface.
  • StackInterface.java - Stack Interface.
  • Main.java -- I/O part of the program. Reads in file and outputs results in another.
  • OUTPUT.txt -- Copy & Paste of console output.
  • infix_expr_short.txt -- Input text file for the program.