
Create a new virtual python environment (I'm using 3.11). Then, run:

pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install -e .
git submodule update --init

This will install all requirements, installs the project in editable mode, and install the correct commit of the dictionary_learning submodule. By default, the repo includes an example Chess and Othello SAE. If you want to download sweeps of SAEs for analysis, refer to autoencoders/

Getting Started

There is a walkthrough of the approach in circuits/full_pipeline_walkthrough.ipynb.

To perform the analysis in the paper, run python circuits/ from the main directory. By default, it runs on the single Chess SAE in autoencoders/testing_chess. It takes a few minutes on an RTX 3090 and uses < 10GB of VRAM. By decreasing the batch size, it can run using < 2 GB of VRAM if necessary. At the bottom of the script, you can select which autoencoder groups you want to analyze. The output of for the default autoencoder group is f1_results.csv at autoencoders/testing_chess.

The full_pipeline can be ran on SAE feature activations or MLP neuron activations on both ChessGPT and OthelloGPT. You just have to select the autoencoder group path, and everything else should happen automatically. Refer to circuits/ to set config values and for explanations of their purpose. To decrease runtime, we support parallel analysis on multiple GPUs. This can also be set in

f1_analysis.ipynb is used to create all graphs in the paper. The data used to create the graphs from our paper can be found in autoencoders/saved_data.By default, the csv path in f1_analysis.ipynb is set to the saved chess data, and you can recreate all paper chess graphs by running the notebook. New results can be analyzed by updating the csv path in f1_analysis.ipynb.

SAE Training

To train SAEs on ChessGPT or OthelloGPT, refer to the README in circuits/sae_training.

Shape Annotations

I've been using this tip from Noam Shazeer:

Dimension key (from

f = All SAE features

F = Batch of SAE features

b = All inputs

B = batch_size

L = seq length (context length)

T = thresholds

R = rows (or cols)

C = classes for one hot encoding

D = GPT d_model

For example, boards begins as shape (Batch, seq_len, rows, rows, classes), and after einops.repeat is shape (num_thresholds, num_features, batch_size, seq_len, rows, rows, classes).

boards_BLRRC = batch_data[custom_function.__name__]
boards_TFBLRRC = einops.repeat(
    "B L R1 R2 C -> T F B L R1 R2 C",


Run pytest -s from the root directory to run all tests. This will take a couple minutes, and -s is helpful to gauge progress.