
Simple name generator with custom phonetic patterns.

Primary LanguageC#


Simple name generator with custom phonetic patterns.


GenerateString(string pattern, string vowels = "", string consonants = "")

To generate a new string, call the Generator.GenerateString method, providing a pattern. The format of the pattern is simple, C for consonant, V for vowel. Spaces are permitted in the pattern. You can also supply a string of permitted vowels and/or consonants, as to restrict the letters available to give certain themes to names.

For example, here are 20 names and the pattern used:

CVCVC - Sijel, Vibur, Hujam, Ripuk, Xumiy, Cexum, Quwec, Warol, Gapaz, Wemab, Casuh, Watej, Nofic, Mayuq, Noxid, Selic, Suwul, Pawah, Vejex, Pacup  

CVV - Wii, Mie, Fau, Pio, Feo, Rue, Cie, Fuo, Vai, Nii, Sei, Cee, Lie, Deu, Zio, Fea, Teo, Sai, Goo, Toe  

VCVC - Urok, Ugad, Alel, Ayal, Ehuq, Umoj, Uzec, Uqis, Oyet, Erop, Aduj, Ujoc, Ewil, Obil, Ujix, Ucem, Uqoc, Olaq, Ilit, Imen  

VCVC CCVVC - Edob Ffuol, Uxud Vpuun, Iloq Lwouv, Emoy Lzaix, Eher Syoup, Anuw Rxauy, Usoy Hkeih, Oyib Cgooq, Ewot Yqeoj, Unux Ylaax, Akuy Hdoax, Aciq Fzeof, Adod Rraec, Itac Zxeij, Ojiq Cyoap, Ulew Rdeuc, Abok Wxaeh, Ubap Hroon, Oqaw Mmaaz, Oray Wcuen  

VCVC CCVVC - Vowels: a - Ajar Pwaaf, Akas Dbaah, Ahag Hraaq, Ayab Scaaj, Azag Graaw, Acad Jhaay, Alaw Vhaax, Alac Ncaaq, Awaz Yqaah, Acay Gyaar, Agav Ysaah, Awam Lsaaz, Ayam Btaam, Abas Xhaal, Amal Gpaag, Aqaz Graaj, Awam Vtaaj, Anaj Bzaad, Amay Cnaaq, Ahaq Tpaaq  

VVC VVC - Consonants: krs - Eus Aas, Eek Eer, Oos Ius, Ies Our, Aik Iis, Ees Iar, Iuk Aos, Ies Aar, Uas Oek, Uis Ear, Ios Eus, Uer Ias, Iir Aer, Iar Oor, Uok Oir, Ias Ois, Uar Ues, Uis Uas, Iur Eok, Euk Iek

CVCVVC - Vowels: ou, Consonants: slnrt - Toroot, Susuos, Lotuus, Nonoor, Soluor, Rotoos, Sunous, Rurool, Luluol, Rusuut, Nonour, Loluor, Rolous, Sutour, Nunoon, Sotoul, Rosoot, Tuloor, Sosuus, Suruus


Names return in lowercase by default, but if you wish to capitalise them, the following works great:

var result = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.TextInfo.ToTitleCase(result);

Hope you enjoy using this as much as I enjoyed making it.