
A shell configuration

Primary LanguageVim Script

Ross's Dotfiles

This is my shell configuration.


To get set up, install Homebrew and then run bin/install-dotfiles. It symlinks dotfiles into $HOME, and uses Homebrew Bundle to install some common software, declared in Brewfile. It's idempotent and won't clobber anything that already exists, so it's safe to run multiple times.

$ bin/install-dotfiles

==> Installing dotfiles from /Users/ross/.dotfiles...
==> Symlinking dotfiles...
/Users/ross/.bash -> /Users/ross/.dotfiles/bash
/Users/ross/.bash_profile -> /Users/ross/.dotfiles/bash_profile
/Users/ross/.bashrc -> /Users/ross/.dotfiles/bashrc
/Users/ross/.bin -> /Users/ross/.dotfiles/bin
/Users/ross/.gemrc -> /Users/ross/.dotfiles/gemrc
/Users/ross/.gitconfig -> /Users/ross/.dotfiles/gitconfig
/Users/ross/.gitignore -> /Users/ross/.dotfiles/gitignore
/Users/ross/.gvimrc -> /Users/ross/.dotfiles/gvimrc
/Users/ross/.tmux -> /Users/ross/.dotfiles/tmux
/Users/ross/.tmux.conf -> /Users/ross/.dotfiles/tmux.conf
Skipping /Users/ross/.vim because it already exists
/Users/ross/.vimrc -> /Users/ross/.dotfiles/vimrc
==> Ensuring required packages are installed...
==> Preparing tmux and Vim plugins...
==> Done!


After opening tmux for the first time, type prefix + I to initialize Tmux Plugin Manager.


After opening Vim for the first time, run :PlugInstall to initialize vim-plug.

If you wish to add local Vim config overrides, place them in these files:

  • ~/.vimrc.local for global configuration
  • ~/.gvimrc.local for MacVim configuration


If Postgres.app is installed, you may add one of its versions' binaries to $PATH by creating the file ~/.pg-version with your desired version:

$ ls /Applications/Postgres.app/Contents/Versions/
10/     11/     12/     latest@
$ echo 10 > ~/.pg-version
$ source ~/.bashrc
$ which psql

Local Overrides

Per-machine Bash configuration overrides can be placed in ~/.bashrc.local.