
Making easy to create Japanese anki cards from command line

Primary LanguagePython

jisho-anki - opinionated command line for creating japanese flashcards with anki

Janki is a command line for automatic search of given word in Jisho dictionary and creating from it collection which anki package can be generated. For each added word janki generated four cards with following content:

Card with word written with kanji and english meaning on the back:

Card with english meaning on the front and kanji on the back. This type of card is integrated with kanji colorer. Hightly recomended to install this plugin.

Kanji on the front and reading written in hiragana on the back

Audio with pronaunciation on the front and english meaning on the back. It is availible only for subscribers of forvo api.

To configure fovro for pronaunciation please enter api key into config.py

FORVO_API_KEY = 'some_api_key'

jisho-anki usage

Before start install requirements.txt
python3 janki.py search  word

For instance

python3 janki.py search  hantai

If there are multiple definitions you will have to choose one:

Chosen words is writtent to words.json file. After adding words use command:

python3 janki.py generate

Which will generate output.apkg file ready to import into anki.