
Infrastructure and ADT Provisioning for Blade Project

Primary LanguageBicepMIT LicenseMIT

Blade Infra

Required Installs

Azure CLI: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/cli/azure/install-azure-cli


1. Clone this Repo

2. Set some vars on the CLI for use

  • Projectname: the overall unique name for your resources
  • appreg: the name of the application registration for your hololens app
  • username: your UPN in Azure

3. Create App Registration

az ad sp create-for-rbac --name ${appreg} --skip-assignment

Save Output for later

4. Get ObjectID of App Registation and User and assign to envvar

objectid=$(az ad sp list --display-name ${appreg} --query [0].objectId --output tsv)
userid=$(az ad signed-in-user show --query objectId -o tsv)

you can echo this echo $objectid and echo $userid to check it has a value

5. Create Resource Group

az group create --name ${projectname}-rg --location eastus

6. Deploy ARM template to Resource Group

az deployment group create -f azuredeploy.bicep -g ${projectname}-rg --parameters projectName=${projectname} userId=${userid} appRegObjectId=${objectid} --query "properties.outputs.importantInfo.value"

  • Denote the output values here for the Azure Digital Twins URL and FunctionApp SignalR URL. These will be used later

There's also an optional two-step approach here

Create Deployment:

az deployment group create -f azuredeploy.bicep -g ${projectname}-rg --parameters projectName=${projectname} userId=${userid} appRegObjectId=${objectid}

Query Outputs:

az deployment group show -n azuredeploy -g ${projectname}-rg --query properties.outputs.importantInfo.value

7. Get IotHub Connection String

az iot hub connection-string show --resource-group ${projectname}-rg

  • Save this for later use

7. Add values to the Device Sim and Test