
Quick Example showing an OPC Publisher on K8s

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Quick Example showing an OPC Publisher on K8s


  • Azure Cli
  • kubectl


  1. Edit the json file to reflect your desired config under config/pn-opcpubdemo.json.
  2. Create NS kubectl create ns opc
    • (Optional) to save you typing in --namespace opc you can switch your k8s context to be here permanently kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=opc
  3. Create ConfigMap from the json config file kubectl create configmap opc-configmap --from-file=config/pn-opcpubdemo.json --namespace opc
  4. Create and Get the Secret from your IOT Hub Config:
    • (Optional) Create the Device: az iot hub device-identity create --device-id opcpubdemo --hub-name **YOURHUBNAMEHERE**
    • Retrieve the Device Connstring and pipe to file for secret creation: az iot hub device-identity connection-string show --device-id opcpubdemo --query connectionString --hub-name **YOURHUBNAMEHERE** -o tsv > connstring.txt
  5. Replace MYSECRET with the connstring from above in secret.yaml
  6. Deploy Secret kubectl apply -f secret.yaml
  7. Create PVC (Persistent Volume Claim) kubectl apply -f pvc.yaml
  8. Deploy Pod kubectl apply -f deployment.yaml