
Primary LanguageShell

Setup instructions for OS X Mountain Lion

These are my personal instructions for setting up a Ruby development machine. These instructions assume you're rebuilding your machine from scratch. That's just how I roll.

Back up

A few things to think about:

  • media
    • photos, music, and videos should all be on external drive
  • projects/code
    • make sure all Git repos are pushed up
    • ignored files that should be kept (config files, etc.)
  • everything else should either be in Github, DropBox, or Google

Clean install of OS X Lion

  • Boot machine from Mountain Lion thumb drive (hold option during startup)
  • Open Disk Utility and erase primary HD
  • Begin installation process

Run Software Update

Install Xcode from App Store

While Xcode installs...

Install DropBox

Choose advanced install, selective sync, and only sync the "environment" folder. We'll sync everything else later, but for now we want the environment stuff as quickly as possible.

Install Non-App Store Apps

App Store apps will have to wait until Xcode is done.

Restore media from external drive

Change shell to zsh

chsh -s /bin/zsh

Authenticate machine with Github

ssh-keygen -t rsa
  • Press enter to accept default name.
  • Provide a memorable passphrase.
cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub | pbcopy

Paste ssh key into github account

Set OS X preferences (make sure DropBox is done syncing)

cd setup

In Keyboard Preference Pane, map Caps Lock to Control. Some changes won't take effect until reboot

Symlink app preferences

cd ../applications

Symlink dotfiles

cd ../dotfiles

Change DropBox preferences to sync all folders

This will take a very long time, but it shouldn't interfere with the rest of the setup process.

Once Xcode is installed...

Install command line tools for Xcode

In Xcode preferences, downloads tab

While you wait for command line tools...

Install remaining App Store apps. Twiddle thumbs.

Okay, command line tools are installed, down to business...

Install Homebrew (must have Xcode tools first)

Use latest installation instructions here.
Run brew doctor to make sure you're all set.

Install Packages

brew install git hub ack ctags-exuberant
brew install imagemagick
brew install postgresql

Be sure to follow the instructions after installing Postgres.

Install RVM

Use latest installation instructions here.

That's it!

Do a quick sanity reboot. Don't ask questions.