
Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


DSL for Grape module that let you use some basic function much easier if you use redmine wiki you can even create doc into it

Use case

Mount Grape api subclasses

you can mount Grape::API-s all child class with

    # options   = grape options for call
    # class     = target class
    # rest      = method name / REST METHOD NAME
    # prc       = These procs will be called with the binding of GrapeEndpoint,
    #             so params and headers Hash::Mash will be allowed to use
    #             they will run BEFORE the method been called, so ideal for auth stuffs
    # args      = This is for argument pre parsing,
    #             like when you use "hash" type for an argument
    #             and the input should be sent as json, but you want it to be preparsed when the method receive
    #      #> method hello parameter will be preparsed before passing to method
    #      simple use case => args: [:hello,:json],[:sup,:yaml]
    #                                     or
    #                         args: { hello: :json, sup: :yaml }
    # you can give hash options just like to any other get,post put delete etc methods, it will work

    class HelloApi < Grape::API

        get 'hello' do
          puts 'hello world'


    class SupApi < Grape::API

        get 'sup' do
            puts 'what\'s up?'


    class MainApi < Grape::API

        # all pre app now is mounted here ("/hello","/sup")


Mount singleton methods as Rest calls

You can even set arguments to be json or yaml so it will be parsed before passing to method In the default usecase, the mount process will read the method source for documentation for making desc

    class TestClass

        def self.test_method hello


        def self.complex_method hello, world="default", opts={},*args

              puts "hello: #{hello}"
              puts "world: #{world}"
              puts "opts:  #{opts.inspect}"
              puts "args:  #{args.inspect}"
              puts "---"



    class Api < Grape::API

        mount_method class: TestClass,method: :test_method
        # or
        mount_method method: TestClass.method(:test_method)

        mount_method    class: Test,
                        method: :test,
                        path: "hello_world",
                        args: [[:opts,:yaml],[:args,:json]]

        #> or

        mount_method    Test.method(:test),
                        args: [[:opts,:yaml],[:args,:json]]


Access Control for ips

you can manipulate and ban ips from unwelcomed sources

you can give static ips , or ranges by replacing number parts with stars

    "" == ""
    "192.168.1.*" == [""..""]

here is an example for the use

    class API < Grape::API

        get :hello do

            allowed_ips "192.168.*.*"
            banned_ip ""

            # some stuff to do here


        get :hello_world do

            allowed_ips %W[ 192.168.*.* ]
            banned_ip ["",""]

            # some stuff to do here




a simple but useful documentation generation way

    class HelloApi < Grape::API

        #> api call description
            description.desc= "simple api call"
        #> return body for the documentation
        description.body= {"String"=>"String"}
        #> or type
        description.content_type= 'JSON'
        #> params for the call
        params do
          requires :something, type: String, desc: "Some string that required"
        #> actual get route generation
        get 'hello' do
    if ARGV.include?('--generate_documentation)
      Grape.create_wiki_doc path: (File.join(Dir.pwd,"README.md")),
                            desc_files: Dir.glob(File.join Dir.pwd,"doc","*").select{|p| !File.directory?(p) },
                            type: :github

This will produce the following content in a README.md file

Request: /hello(.:format) call: get part

Request description

  • simple api call


  • method: GET

  • path: /hello(.:format)

  • headers:

    • application/json
    • application/text
  • Parameters

    • something
      • required: true
      • type: String
      • desc: Some string that required




response in case of failure

  • Internal Server Error:500

or in plain:

## Request: /hello(.:format) call: get part

### Request description
* simple api call

### request

* *method:*    GET
* *path:*      /hello(.:format)
* *headers:*   
  * application/json
  * application/text

* _*Parameters*_
  * _something_
    * required: true
    * type: String
    * desc: Some string that required

### response

#### *body:*

### response in case of failure

* *Internal Server Error:500*
