# Clone this git repo:
git clone git@github.com:amtruenorth/logs-analysis.git
cd logs-analysis/
- Tested with Python3
- Environtment cabable of running PostgreSQL server
database generated by thenewsdata.sql
- Open a terminal / shell / command line / command prompt window
- Navigate to project directory
- To run the log-analysis program, enter the command:
python3 news.py
The following output should be displayed in your terminal shell window:
What are the most popular three articles of all time?
"Candidate is jerk, alleges rival" — 338647 views
"Bears love berries, alleges bear" — 253801 views
"Bad things gone, say good people" — 170098 views
Who are the most popular article authors of all time?
Ursula La Multa — 507594 views
Rudolf von Treppenwitz — 423457 views
Anonymous Contributor — 170098 views
Markoff Chaney — 84557 views
On which days did more than 1% of requests lead to errors?
July 17, 2016 — 2.26% errors
Project is split into two files, news.py
and newsdb.py
is responsible the programs initiation, calling the functions that contain the SQL queries, and organizing the SQL query's return output into plain text format. -
contains the database connection and the functions to execute each SQL query:--
- Queries the DB to answer the question: What are the most popular three articles of all time?- Matches each articles slug with the log's url records to determine how many time each article was viewed. Returns the the top 3 viewed article titles and their viewcount.
select title, count(*) as views from log, articles where path = '/article/' || articles.slug group by title order by views desc limit 3;
- Queries the DB to answer the question: Who are the most popular article authors of all time?- Joins 3 tables, counts each article's views that was written by each author, and displays each author's total number of views for all articles they have written.
select name, count(articles.title) as views from log, articles, authors where path = '/article/' || articles.slug and authors.id = articles.author group by name order by views desc;
- Queries the DB to answer the question: On which days did more than 1% of site requests lead to errors?- Uses a subquery named
to find each days percent error (namedpercent_error
) from the log table. Another query then tests each day's error percentage, returning only those with an error rate over 1%.
with error_log as ( select time::date, round(100 * ( sum( case when status != '200 OK' then 1 else 0 end)::numeric / count(time)::numeric), 2) as percent_error from log group by time::date ) select to_char(time, 'Month DD, YYYY') as date, percent_error from error_log where percent_error > 1.0;
MIT © Adam Main