
Simple config loader based on yaml files.

Primary LanguageRuby


Simple config loader based on yaml files. In it's most basic usage it allows us to load a config file in yaml format and convert it to a ruby hash.

Yconfig provides the additional benefit of allowing for a default configuration file by convention. It handles this case by assuming that if you want to load myproj_config.yaml then you may also want to merge in default settings from myproj_config_default.yaml.

This is an example where you have a multi-node deployment and want a section of the config to be exactly the same and deployed across all nodes but a seperate set of configs that are custom on a per-node basis.

Installation and Usage

  • Install the gem. gem install yconfig
  • Add the requirement. require 'yconfig'
  • Load the config file:

root_dir = "/path/to/dir"
file_name = "config.yaml"
config = YConfig.new(root_dir).parse file_name

Code Coverage

When tests are ran using bundle exec rspec then coverage reports are automatically generated by simplecov under the coverage directory.


I strongly encourage contributions to the project. My only ask is that you Test Drive your changes. Thanks!