
Interface between Django signals and D-Bus

Primary LanguagePython

This module provides a nifty interface between Django models (via the signal dispatcher) and D-Bus. This is handy when more than one process is interacting with the same database, to avoid polling for changes.

WARNING: This is just a toy (for now). Don't expect it to work.

To see what's going on, monitor the d-bus. I'm only interested in the signals being emitted by my example app here. Obviously, the interface and path names are configurable.

$ dbus-monitor | grep "interface=com.adammck."

In another shell, let's poke around with the database.

$ ./manage.py shell
Python 2.6.4 (r264:75706, Jan 25 2010, 08:55:26)
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.

>>> from dbus_example.models import Person
>>> Person(name="Adam Mckaig").save()

Meanwhile, back in dbus-monitor...

  sender=:1.54 -> 
  dest=(null destination)
    int32 1

(The single parameter, 1, is the primary key of the saved object. There's no particular reason not to include every field of the model; I just haven't done that yet.)