
This code allows you to take the position of a 2D and translate that into an angle that another sprite can be set to.

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This code allows you to take the position of a 2D and translate that into an angle that another sprite can be set to.

Please note that this code has been made for the App Game Kit 2D engine, if you would like to support 3D objects, you may fork this and do so.


SetSpriteLookDirection(Sprite1ID [integer], Sprite2ID [integer])

This function takes Sprite1 and angles it in the direction of Sprite2.


SetSpriteLookDirectionCustom(Sprite1 [integer], x1 [integer], y1 [integer], x2 [integer], y2 [integer], Limit1 [integer], Limit2 [integer])

This function takes Sprite1 and uses x1, y1, x2, y2 as custom positions (rather than using Sprite positions in SetSpriteLookDirection().

Limit1 and Limit2 are to be used to limit the angle that Sprite1 can rotate. You can set these to 0 to bypass this.


SetSpriteLookDirectionToColor(Sprite1 [integer], Sprite2 [integer]) Does exactly the same thing as SetSpriteLookDirection but changes the color of Sprite1 to the angle returned by using HSV.

Video Demonstration