The map application is now deployed here.


A paper The role of spatial visual analysis in historical religious studies was published in 2019 in Geografie journal.


Map Application dedicated to the GEHIR project ( that brings the possibility of visual analysis in the research of history of ancient religions.

Case studies

Three case studies were chosen based on the focus of the GEHIR project:

  • Mithraism and army forts - ancient misterious religion (1st- 3rd century CE) with unknown origins that was strongly tied with Roman army
  • Isiac cults - Egyptian cults that spreaded to the whole Medditeranean through the Ptolemaic era (305 - 167 BCE)
  • Christian buildings - the goal of this case study is to discover the spread of Christianity based on the evidence of church buildings


Development was done with webpack, whole application is client side and written completely in javascript. Leaflet library is used for the map, own visualisations were implemented from leaflet plugins ((regular-grid-cluster)[], (segments-charts)[])