
A jQuery plugin for producing a twitter-like countdown of characters remaining for length-limited form fields.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

jQuery Character Countdown

A jQuery plugin for producing a twitter-like countdown of characters remaining for length-limited form fields.

Parameter Reference

  • max_chars: The max number of characters allowed in the field. Default: The field's maxlength attribute if available, or 500 if no maxlength.
  • low_chars: The number of characters remaining that will trigger the addition of the "low_class" parameter as a class name on the character count. Default: 10
  • allow_overrun: Boolean parameter indicating whether the user is allowed to exceed max_chars, pushing the counter into the negative. Default: false
  • low_class: The class name added to the character count once the number of characters remaining reaches low_chars. Default: "low"
  • field_class: The class name added to fields using this plugin as a hook to any related styles you want to apply. Default: "has-counter"
  • counter_class: The class name of the <label> element that contains the countdown of remaining characters. Default: "char-counter"
  • counter_message: The text that precedes and explains the numerical countdown. Default: "Characters remaining: "
  • counter_location: Where you want the countdown to appear. Accepts "before" (puts the countdown immediately before the field in the DOM tree), "after" (like "before" only... after-er), or a jQuery selector (appends the countdown to the selector's target(s)). Default: "after"