
Beets music manager workflow configuration and scripts

Primary LanguagePython


This is a collection of scripts used for a beets music management workflow.


This utilizes pyenv in order to create a virtual environment to work out of. After configuration, just run ./beets.sh install and an environment with certbot installed will be created. If you do not want to use a virtual environment, run the same command with USE_VENV=false.

Currently, the virtual environment installation only targets Debian.

If installing from scratch outside of the virtual environment, the following packages are required:

  • Python - 2 or 3, but 3 is strongly encouraged
  • pip
  • imagemagick
  • ffmpeg

In addition, the following packages should be installed via pip:

  • beets
  • pylast
  • beautifulsoup4
  • discogs-client
  • requests
  • requests_oauthlib
  • beets-copyartifacts3 (Fork of beets-copyartifacts with Py3 support)
  • mutagen
  • python-itunes (pip install https://github.com/ocelma/python-itunes/archive/master.zip)


All configuration variables are provided below in the beets.sh section. It is recommended that these configuration options be stored in a .env file located in the root of the directory that beets.sh is running out of. This file will be parsed in, and values will override any defaults in the script.


This workflow is composed of beets music manager, several python scripts, and a manager script called beets.sh.


The beets music manager is used to perform the intial import steps on an album. There are two resources which beets relies on in order to function, stored under ~/.config/beets.

  • config.yaml - Provides the configuration to be used by the beets music manager. The configuration file is well documented, but additional documentation can be found on the beets website.
  • library.db - SQLite database representing the library as beets sees it. Typically, this should NOT modified outside of the beets application. The only exception is when moving the library location, at which point fix_paths.py should be ran in order to update the paths to music files in the database.


A collection of Python scripts have been created in order to fill in the gaps of the beets music manager. General workflow descriptions follow, but additional information is available as comments within the scripts themselves.


A collection of helper functions referenced by all scripts, they are documented in the file itself.


In order to ensure that no music is in the beets database that does not exist in the music library, this performs the following steps:

  • Retrieves all of the song paths from the beets database as an array
  • Retrieves all of the song paths from the music library folder as an array
  • Compares both arrays, and prints any songs present in beets but not in the library
  • Exits with 0 if no missing songs, 1 if there are songs missing


The inverse of audit_missing_beets_music.py, which performs the following steps:

  • Retrieves all of the song paths from the beets database as an array
  • Retrieves all of the song paths from the music library folder as an array
  • Compares both arrays, and prints any songs present in the library but not in the beets database
  • Exits with 0 if no missing songs, 1 if there are songs missing


Checks whether or not a certain artifact (typically cover.jpg) is not present in an album within the library:

  • Retrieves a list of all paths to albums in the music library
  • Checks for the presence of the artifact in each album path, printing the path if it is missing
  • Exits with 0 if no missing artifacts, 1 if there are artifacts missing


Checks for all artifacts of a provided filetype (or directories if --ext=dir), and ensures that they match the "$artist - $album" format:

  • Retrieves a list of all paths to albums in the music library
  • Checks for the presence of the artifact recursively in each album path, printing the path if it is detected
    • If a dryrun, indicate that it found a matching file, and end processing
  • Renames the artifact to "$artist - $album" format
    • If --delete specified, deletes the artifact instead
    • If --move specified, moves artifact to directory specified in --movedir
  • Exits with 0 if not a dry run, or no matching files, 1 if a dry run with matched files

The only exception is if it is checking jpg artifacts, in which cover.jpg will always be skipped.


Checks if there are songs in the beets database that do not have converted equivalents:

  • Retrieves a list of all song paths in the beets database
  • Retrieves a list of all song paths in the specified converted directory
  • Prints out any paths in the beets database that are not present in the converted directory
  • Exits with 0 if no missing converted files, 1 if there are converted files missing


Copies any missing cover.jpg files over to the converted directory, and optionally embeds them into the tracks as ID3 tags:

  • Retrieves a list of all paths to albums in the converted library
  • Checks for the presence of cover.jpg in each album path, printing the path if it is not found
    • If a dryrun, indicate that it found no matching file, and end processing
  • Copies the cover.jpg from the library album to the converted album
    • If --embed is specified, embeds the cover into every track
  • exits with 0 if not a try run, or no missing covers, 1 if a dry run with missing covers


beets.sh is a script that provides an automation of the music management workflow, which utilizes the above scripts. It offers the following configuration options:

Name Default Description
PLATFORM lsb_release -i -s Platform, used during package installation
USE_VENV true Whether or not to use a pyenv virtual environment
VENV_NAME beets Name of the pyenv virtual environment to use
BEETS_BIN beet Path to the beet binary to use for beets operations
PYTHON_BIN python3 Path to the python3 binary to use for python scripts
IMPORT_DIR ~/media/Music/Import Path for beets to import music from
LIBRARY_DIR ~/media/Music/FLAC Path to the library folder that beets manages
CONVERTED_DIR ~/media/Music/V2 Path to the converted music folder that beets manages
ARTIFACT_DIR ~/media/Misc/Artifacts Path to move artifacts to
BEETS_DB ~/.config/beets/library.db Path to the SQLite database beets maintains
BEETS_SUBDIR FLAC Subdirectory of the base Music folder that is in the beets database, e.g. FLAC if the library folder is ~/media/Music/FLAC
LIBRARY_SUBDIR FLAC Subdirectory of the base Music folder that beets manages, e.g. FLAC if the library folder is ~/media/Music/FLAC
CONVERTED_SUBDIR V2 Subdirectory of the converted music folder that beets manages, e.g. V2 if the converted folder is ~/media/Music/V2
CONVERTED_EXTENSION mp3 Extension of the converted song files
INTERACTIVE true Whether or not script is being ran interactively, if set to false, it will never pause for user input
BELL \a Send a bell char to alert when input is needed, set this to blank to disable

Subsonic Configuration

Optionally, if using Subonic, the following values can be supplied to trigger a library update at the end of the pipeline:

Name Default Description
USE_SUBSONIC false Whether or not to update a Subsonic library
SUBSONIC_USERNAME N/A Required, Username to authenticate to Subsonic with
SUBSONIC_PASSWORD N/A Required, Password to authenticate to Subsonic with
SUBSONIC_URL N/A Required, full URL to Subsonic (e.g. https://subsonic.local)
SUBSONIC_CLIENT beets-pipeline Client string to provide to Subsonic
SUBSONIC_VERSION 1.15.0 API version to use
SUBSONIC_FORMAT json Format of the API response

Version Configuration

These variables are used to configure the versions of software that are installed:

Name Default Description
PYTHON_VERSION 3.8.1 Python interpreter to install in the virtual environment
PYLAST_VERSION 3.2.0 PyLast Last.FM module
BS4_VERSION 4.8.2 BeautifulSoup4 web scraper
DISCOGS_CLIENT_VERSION 2.2.2 discogs-client module
REQUESTS_VERSION 2.22.0 Python Requests module
REQUESTS_OAUTHLIB_VERSION 1.3.0 Python Requests OAuth module
BEETS_COPYARTIFACTS_VERSION 0.1.3 Beets CopyArtifacts plugin
MUTAGEN_VERSION 1.44.0 Mutagen music metadata editor module

Currently, the script provides the following "steps":

Step Description
activate_venv "Activates" the Python virtual environment
install Runs deploy_venv if using a virtual environment, and deploy_beets
deploy_venv Installs pyenv, Python, and creates a virtual environment
deploy_beets Installs beets and all dependencies necessary for this pipeline
import_library Imports all files currently in the import directory
audit_library Runs audit_beets_music, audit_library_music, and audit_music_covers
audit_beets_music Checks for music in the beets database not present in the library folder
audit_library_music Checks for music in the library folder not present in the beets database
audit_music_covers Checks for albums that do not have cover.jpg files present
fix_library Runs fix_cue_artifacts, fix_log_artifacts, fix_jpg_artifacts, and fix_dir_artifacts
fix_log_artifacts Checks for log artifacts and corrects them if necessary
fix_cue_artifacts Checks for cue artifacts and corrects them if necessary
fix_jpg_artifacts Checks for jpg artifacts other than cover.jpg and moves them if necessary
fix_dir_artifacts Checks for dir artifacts and deletes them if necessary
convert_library Converts all music in the beets database, storing output in ./convert.log
audit_converted Runs audit_converted_music
audit_converted_music Checks for music in the beets database not present in the converted folder
fix_converted Runs fix_converted_covers
fix_converted_covers Copies any missing covers from the library folder to the converted folder and embeds them
cleanup_import Lists all leftover files in the import directory, and deletes them if necessary
update_subsonic Triggers a library scan on a Subsonic instance
full Runs import_library, audit_library, fix_library, convert_library, audit_converted, fix_converted, cleanup_import, and update_subsonic if enabled

These can be invoked with ./beets.sh $STEP. This MUST be ran from the working directory of beets.sh so it can reference the Python scripts