
Clojure Redis client & message queue

Primary LanguageClojure

Current semantic version:

[com.taoensso/carmine "1.7.0-beta5"] ; Development
[com.taoensso/carmine "1.6.0"]       ; Stable

NOTE: 1.7.x should be backwards-compatible with 1.6.x, but I'd recommend you test it if you're using a lot of low-level facilities (manual pipeline control and reply parsing, etc.). Please do report any problems!

Carmine, a Clojure Redis client & message queue

Redis is awesome and it's getting more awesome every day. It deserves a great Clojure client.

Aren't There Already A Bunch of Clients?

Plenty: there's redis-clojure, clj-redis based on Jedis, Accession, and (the newest) labs-redis-clojure.

Each has its strengths but these strengths often fail to overlap, leaving one with no easy answer to an obvious question: which one should you use?

Carmine is an attempt to cohesively bring together the best bits from each client. And by bringing together the work of others I'm hoping to encourage more folks to pool their efforts and get behind one banner. (Rah-rah and all that).

What's In The Box?

  • Small, uncomplicated all-Clojure library.
  • Good performance.
  • Modern targets: Redis 2.0+ (with full 2.6 support), Clojure 1.3+, Leiningen 2 support (not mandatory).
  • Industrial strength connection pooling.
  • Complete and accurate command definitions with full documentation.
  • Composable, first-class command functions.
  • Flexible, high-performance binary-safe serialization.
  • Full support for Lua scripting, Pub/Sub, etc.
  • Full support for custom reply parsing.
  • Command helpers (atomically, lua-script, sort*, etc.).
  • Simple, high-performance message queue (Redis 2.6+).
  • Simple, high-performance distributed lock (Redis 2.6+).
  • Ring session-store.

Getting Started


Depend on Carmine in your project.clj:

[com.taoensso/carmine "1.6.0"]

and require the library:

(ns my-app (:require [taoensso.carmine :as car]))


You'll usually want to define one connection pool and spec that you'll reuse:

(def pool         (car/make-conn-pool)) ; See docstring for additional options
(def spec-server1 (car/make-conn-spec)) ; ''

Unless you need the added flexibility of specifying the pool and spec for each request, you can save some typing with a little macro:

(defmacro wcar [& body] `(car/with-conn pool spec-server1 ~@body))

Basic Commands

Sending commands is easy:

(wcar (car/ping)
      (car/set "foo" "bar")
      (car/get "foo"))
=> ["PONG" "OK" "bar"]

Note that sending multiple commands at once like this will employ pipelining. The replies will be queued server-side and returned all at once as a vector.

If the server responds with an error, an exception is thrown:

(wcar (car/spop "foo" "bar"))
=> Exception ERR Operation against a key holding the wrong kind of value

But what if we're pipelining?

(wcar (car/set  "foo" "bar")
      (car/spop "foo")
      (car/get  "foo"))
=> ["OK" #<Exception ERR Operation against ...> "bar"]


The only value type known to Redis internally is the byte string. But Carmine uses Nippy under the hood and understands all of Clojure's rich data types, letting you use them with Redis painlessly:

(wcar (car/set "clj-key" {:bigint (bigint 31415926535897932384626433832795)
                          :vec    (vec (range 5))
                          :set    #{true false :a :b :c :d}
                          :bytes  (byte-array 5)
                          ;; ...
      (car/get "clj-key"))
=> ["OK" {:bigint 31415926535897932384626433832795N
          :vec    [0 1 2 3 4]
          :set    #{true false :a :c :b :d}
          :bytes  #<byte [] [B@4d66ea88>}]

Types are handled as follows:

  • Clojure strings become Redis strings.
  • Simple Clojure numbers (integers, longs, floats, doubles) become Redis strings.
  • Everything else gets automatically de/serialized.

You can force automatic de/serialization for an argument of any type by wrapping it with car/serialize.

Documentation and Command Coverage

Like labs-redis-clojure, Carmine uses the official Redis command reference to generate its own command API. Which means that not only is Carmine's command coverage always complete, but it's also fully documented:

(use 'clojure.repl)
(doc car/sort)
=> "SORT key [BY pattern] [LIMIT offset count] [GET pattern [GET pattern ...]] [ASC|DESC] [ALPHA] [STORE destination]

Sort the elements in a list, set or sorted set.

Available since: 1.0.0.

Time complexity: O(N+M*log(M)) where N is the number of elements in the list or set to sort, and M the number of returned elements. When the elements are not sorted, complexity is currently O(N) as there is a copy step that will be avoided in next releases."

Yeah. Andreas Bielk, you rock.


Redis 2.6 introduced a remarkably powerful feature: server-side Lua scripting! As an example, let's write our own version of the set command:

(defn my-set
  [key value]
  (car/lua-script "return redis.call('set', _:my-key, 'lua '.. _:my-value)"
                  {:my-key key}     ; Named key variables and their values
                  {:my-value value} ; Named non-key variables and their values

(wcar (my-set "foo" "bar")
      (car/get "foo"))
=> ["OK" "lua bar"]

Script primitives are also provided: eval, eval-sha, eval*, eval-sha*. See the Lua scripting docs for more info.


The lua-script command above is a good example of a Carmine helper.

Carmine will never surprise you by interfering with the standard Redis command API. But there are times when it might want to offer you a helping hand (if you want it). Compare:

(wcar (car/zunionstore "dest-key" 3 "zset1" "zset2" "zset3" "WEIGHTS" 2 3 5))
(wcar (car/zunionstore* "dest-key" ["zset1" "zset2" "zset3"] "WEIGHTS" 2 3 5))

Both of these calls are equivalent but the latter counted the keys for us. zunionstore* is another helper: a slightly more convenient version of a standard command, suffixed with a * to indicate that it's non-standard.

Helpers currently include: atomically, eval*, evalsha*, hgetall*, info*, lua-script, sort*, zinterstore*, and zunionstore*. See their docstrings for more info.

Commands Are (Just) Functions

In Carmine, Redis commands are real functions. Which means you can use them like real functions:

(wcar (doall (repeatedly 5 car/ping)))

(let [first-names ["Salvatore"  "Rich"]
      surnames    ["Sanfilippo" "Hickey"]]
  (wcar (doall (map #(car/set %1 %2) first-names surnames))
        (doall (map car/get first-names))))
=> ["OK" "OK" "Sanfilippo" "Hickey"]

(wcar (doall (map #(car/set (str "key-" %) (rand-int 10)) (range 3)))
      (doall (map #(car/get (str "key-" %)) (range 3))))
=> ["OK" "OK" "OK" "OK" "0" "6" "6" "2"]

And since real functions can compose, so can Carmine's. By nesting with-conn/wcar calls, you can fully control how composition and pipelining interact:

(let [hash-key "awesome-people"]
  (wcar (car/hmset hash-key "Rich" "Hickey" "Salvatore" "Sanfilippo")
        (doall (map (partial car/hget hash-key)
                    ;; Execute with own connection & pipeline then return result
                    ;; for composition:
                    (wcar (car/hkeys hash-key))))))
=> ["OK" "Sanfilippo" "Hickey"]

Listeners & Pub/Sub

Carmine has a flexible Listener API to support persistent-connection features like monitoring and Redis's fantastic Publish/Subscribe feature:

(def listener
   spec-server1 {"foobar" (fn f1 [msg] (println "Channel match: " msg))
                 "foo*"   (fn f2 [msg] (println "Pattern match: " msg))}
   (car/subscribe  "foobar" "foobaz")
   (car/psubscribe "foo*")))

Note the map of message handlers. f1 will trigger when a message is published to channel foobar. f2 will trigger when a message is published to foobar, foobaz, foo Abraham Lincoln, etc.

Publish messages:

(wcar (car/publish "foobar" "Hello to foobar!"))

Which will trigger:

(f1 '("message" "foobar" "Hello to foobar!"))
(f2 '("pmessage" "foo*" "foobar" "Hello to foobar!"))

You can adjust subscriptions and/or handlers:

(with-open-listener listener
  (car/unsubscribe) ; Unsubscribe from every channel (leave patterns alone)
  (car/psubscribe "an-extra-channel"))

(swap! (:state listener) assoc "*extra*" (fn [x] (println "EXTRA: " x)))

Remember to close the listener when you're done with it:

(car/close-listener listener)

Note that subscriptions are connection-local: you can have three different listeners each listening for different messages, using different handlers. This is great stuff.

Reply Parsing

Want a little more control over how server replies are parsed? You have all the control you need:

(wcar (car/ping)
      (car/with-parser clojure.string/lower-case (car/ping) (car/ping))
=> ["PONG" "pong" "pong" "PONG"]

Binary Data

Carmine's serializer has no problem handling arbitrary byte[] data. But the serializer involves overhead that may not always be desireable. So for maximum flexibility Carmine gives you automatic, zero-overhead read and write facilities for raw binary data:

(wcar (car/set "bin-key" (byte-array 50))
      (car/get "bin-key"))
=> ["OK" [#<byte[] [B@7c3ab3b4> 50]]

Message Queue

Redis 2.6+ only, currently ALPHA QUALITY

Redis makes a great message queue server:

(:require [taoensso.carmine.message-queue :as mq]) ; Add to `ns` macro

(def my-worker
   pool spec-server1 "my-queue"
   :handler-fn (fn [msg] (println "Received" msg))))

(mq/enqueue "my-queue" "my message!")
%> Received my message!

(mq/stop my-worker)

Look simple? It is. But it's also distributed, fault-tolerant, and fast. See the taoensso.carmine.message-queue namespace for details.

Distributed Locks

(:require [taoensso.carmine.locks :as locks]) ; Add to `ns` macro

(locks/with-lock "my-lock"
  1000 ; Time to hold lock
  500  ; Time to wait (block) for lock acquisition
  (println "This was printed under lock!"))

Again: simple, distributed, fault-tolerant, and fast. See the taoensso.carmine.locks namespace for details.


Redis is probably most famous for being fast. Carmine does what it can to hold up its end and currently performs well:

Performance comparison chart

Accession could not complete the requests. Detailed benchmark information is available on Google Docs. Note that these numbers are for unpipelined requests: you could do a lot more with pipelining.

In principle it should be possible to get close to the theoretical maximum performance of a JVM-based client. This will be an ongoing effort but please note that my first concern for Carmine is performance-per-unit-power rather than absolute performance. For example Carmine willingly pays a small throughput penalty to support binary-safe arguments and again for composable commands.

Likewise, I'll happily trade a little less throughput for simpler code.


Carmine was developed with the help of the YourKit Java Profiler. YourKit, LLC kindly supports open source projects by offering an open source license. They also make the YourKit .NET Profiler.

Carmine Supports the ClojureWerkz and CDS Project Goals

ClojureWerkz is a growing collection of open-source, batteries-included Clojure libraries that emphasise modern targets, great documentation, and thorough testing.

CDS (Clojure Documentation Site) is a contributor-friendly community project aimed at producing top-notch Clojure tutorials and documentation.

Contact & Contribution

Reach me (Peter Taoussanis) at taoensso.com for questions/comments/suggestions/whatever. I'm very open to ideas if you have any! I'm also on Twitter: @ptaoussanis.


Copyright © 2012 Peter Taoussanis. Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.