Pinned Repositories
My first website built from scratch using html, css, and javascript. Currently, it contains simulations of the Lorenz attractor in two and three dimensions
A simple library and Jupyter notebook example that can propagate a gaussian laser beam through free space and through optical elements using ABCD matrices and the q-parameter. Personally, it is quicker than setting up a zemax file, and allows me to check beam sizes, waist locations, and calculate distances need for collimation optics.
A repository of MATLAB code for understanding simple phase retrieval and image reconstruction algorithms as well as extracting the point spread functions of real data. Also, a relatively simple example that uses a steepest descent approach to minimize an error metric in a large parameter space.
Image reconstruction from Gonsalves' paper converted from Matlab code to python.
A quick introduction to machine learning methods in python using sklearn.
My senior thesis in Physics at Willamette University. It is the testing of magnetic resonant pulsing of rubidium, a process the pumps rubidium with a pulsed laser at repitition rate equal to the larmor precession of the atom in a magnetic field.
A computer algebra system written in pure Python
adamnewtonwright's Repositories
A simple library and Jupyter notebook example that can propagate a gaussian laser beam through free space and through optical elements using ABCD matrices and the q-parameter. Personally, it is quicker than setting up a zemax file, and allows me to check beam sizes, waist locations, and calculate distances need for collimation optics.
A repository of MATLAB code for understanding simple phase retrieval and image reconstruction algorithms as well as extracting the point spread functions of real data. Also, a relatively simple example that uses a steepest descent approach to minimize an error metric in a large parameter space.
My first website built from scratch using html, css, and javascript. Currently, it contains simulations of the Lorenz attractor in two and three dimensions
Image reconstruction from Gonsalves' paper converted from Matlab code to python.
A quick introduction to machine learning methods in python using sklearn.
My senior thesis in Physics at Willamette University. It is the testing of magnetic resonant pulsing of rubidium, a process the pumps rubidium with a pulsed laser at repitition rate equal to the larmor precession of the atom in a magnetic field.
A computer algebra system written in pure Python