
HTML5 Web Audio API Library

Primary LanguageJavaScriptOtherNOASSERTION


HTML5 Web Audio API Library

Build Status


This is full stack library for Web Audio API.
In concrete, this library may be useful to implement the following features.

  • Create Sound
  • Play the One-Shot Audio
  • Play the Audio
  • Play the Media (Fallback by HTML5 MediaElement)
  • Streaming (by WebRTC)
  • MIDI (by Web MIDI API)
  • MML (Music Macro Language)
  • Effectors (Compressor / Wah / Equalizer / Tremolo / Phaser / Chorus / Delay / Reverb, and Original Effector ...etc)
  • Visualization (Overview in Time Domain / Time Domain / Spectrum)
  • Recording (Create WAVE file)
  • Session (by WebSocket)

The structure of description is the following.

X(/* sound source */).setup();
X(/* sound source */).param();
X(/* sound source */).ready();
X(/* sound source */).start();
X(/* sound source */).stop();

X(/* sound source */).module(/* effectors, analyser, recorder, session */).setup();
X(/* sound source */).module(/* effectors, analyser, recorder, session */).param();
X(/* sound source */).module(/* effectors, analyser, recorder, session */).start();
X(/* sound source */).module(/* effectors, analyser, recorder, session */).stop();



The application that uses this library is in the following URL.
Please use Chrome (Mac / Windows) or Safari (Mac) or Opera (Mac / Windows).

Now, I'm creating website for Web Audio API. Please use the following site for understanding README.

Download & API Document


$ npm install xsound


$ bower install xsound

In the case of using WebSocket,

$ npm install websocket


$ npm install ws


<script type="text/javascript" src="xsound.min.js"></script>

In the case of development,

<script type="text/javascript" src="xsound.js"></script>

In the case of using WebSocket,

$ node xsound-server-session-websocket.js


$ node xsound-server-session-ws.js

Default port number is 8000.
This port number can be changed by designating argument.
For example,

$ node xsound-server-session-websocket.js 8080

In the case of recording log, the path of log file must be designated by the 2nd argument.

$ node xsound-server-session-websocket.js 8080 websocket.log

Global Objects

This library defines 2 global objects. These are "X" and "XSound".
If "X" is used already in the application, "X" can be removed by "noConflict" method

// Remove "X"

XSound(/* ... */);

// ...

In the case of removing both of global objects,

// Remove "X", "XSound"
var $ = XSound.noConflict(true);  // change variable name "$" freely

Some constant values are defined by these global objects as static property.

// Can browser use this library ?
if (X.IS_XSOUND) {
    // Can use Web Audio API

    // Sampling Rate

    // Buffer size (for ScriptProcessorNode)

    // The number of input channels

    // The number of output channels
} else {
    // Cannot use this library

Get "currentTime" property in the instance of AudioContext

The way of accessing the "currentTime" property in AudioContext is the following,

// Can browser use this library ?
if (X.IS_XSOUND) {
    // Getter only

Change Buffer Size for ScriptProcessorNode

The buffer size for ScriptProcessorNode is selected automaticly in the case of default.
But, if the selected size is not adequate, the buffer size can be changed.
The selectable buffer size is one of 256, 512, 1024, 2048, 4096, 8192, 16384.
In addition, it is necessary that this process is executed before the all of processes in "XSound".

// for example

Create Sound


In the case of using single sound,

// The argument is initial state

In the case of using multiple sounds,

// 4 sounds
X('oscillator').setup([true, true, true, false]);

Start Sound

In the case of single sound,

// 440 Hz (A)
X('oscillator').ready(0, 0).start(440);  // or, X('oscillator').start(440);


// 440 Hz (A) is the 49th in keyboard of piano
X('oscillator').ready(0, 0).start(X.toFrequencies([48]));  // or, X('oscillator').start(X.toFrequencies([48]));

In the case of multi sounds (for example, chord),

// Set up 4 sources
X('oscillator').setup([true, true, true, false]);

var base = 40;

// C major
X('oscillator').ready(0, 0).start(X.toFrequencies([base, (base + 4), (base + 7)]));

// C minor
X('oscillator').ready(0, 0).start(X.toFrequencies([base, (base + 3), (base + 7)]));

// Change the 4th oscillator's state
X('oscillator', 3).state(true);  // Refer to the following "Manage State"

// C7
X('oscillator').ready(0, 0).start(X.toFrequencies([base, (base + 4), (base + 7), (base + 10)]));

// Cm7
X('oscillator').ready(0, 0).start(X.toFrequencies([base, (base + 3), (base + 7), (base + 10)]));

Stop Sound


Sound Scheduling

// for example, Starting after 5 seconds, to stop after 10 seconds,
X('oscillator').ready(5, 10).start(440);

Master Volume

// Getter
var volume = X('oscillator').param('masterVolume');  // The default value is 1

// Setter
X('oscillator').param('masterVolume', 0.5);  // The range of value is between 0 and 1

// Associative array
X('oscillator').param({masterVolume : 0.5});

Envelope Generator

 // Getter
 var a = X('oscillator').module('envelopegenerator').param('attack');   // The default value is 0.01
 var d = X('oscillator').module('envelopegenerator').param('decay');    // The default value is 0.30
 var s = X('oscillator').module('envelopegenerator').param('sustain');  // The default value is 0.50
 var r = X('oscillator').module('envelopegenerator').param('release');  // The default value is 1.00

// Setter
X('oscillator').module('envelopegenerator').param('attack', 0.5);   // The range of value is between 0 and 1
X('oscillator').module('envelopegenerator').param('decay', 0.5);    // The range of value is between 0 and 1
X('oscillator').module('envelopegenerator').param('sustain', 0.5);  // The range of value is between 0 and 1
X('oscillator').module('envelopegenerator').param('release', 0.5);  // The range of value is between 0 and 1

// Method chain
X('oscillator').module('envelopegenerator').param('attack', 0.5)
                            .param('decay', 0.5)
                            .param('sustain', 0.5)
                            .param('release', 0.5);

 // Associative array
    attack  : 0.5,
    decay   : 0.5,
    sustain : 0.5,
    release : 0.5


// Getter
var type = X('oscillator').module('glide').param('type');  // The default value is 'linear'
var time = X('oscillator').module('glide').param('time');  // The default value is 0

// Setter
X('oscillator').module('glide').param('type', 'exponential');  // either 'linear' or 'exponential'
X('oscillator').module('glide').param('time', 5);              // This value is greater than or equal to 0

// Associative array
    type : 'exponential',
    time : 5

Wave Type / Gain / Octave / Fine

The 2nd argument of "X" or "XSound" is number type for designating each oscillator.
For example, if 3 oscillators are used, this argument is either 0, 1 or 2.

// Getter
var type   = X('oscillator', 0).param('type');    // The default value is 'sine'
var volume = X('oscillator', 0).param('volume');  // The default value is 1
var octave = X('oscillator', 0).param('octave');  // The default value is 0
var fine   = X('oscillator', 0).param('fine');    // The default value is 0

// Setter
X('oscillator', 0).param('type', 'sawtooth');  // one of 'sine', 'square', 'sawtooth', 'triangle'
X('oscillator', 0).param('volume', 0.5);       // The range of value is between 0 and 1
X('oscillator', 0).param('octave', 1.0);       // The range of value is between -4 and 4
X('oscillator', 0).param('fine', 100);         // The range of value is between -1200 and 1200

// Method chain
X('oscillator', 0).param('type', 'sawtooth')
                  .param('volume', 0.5)
                  .param('octave', 1.0)
                  .param('fine', 100);

// Associative array
X('oscillator', 0).param({
    type   : 'sawtooth',
    volume : 0.5,
    octave : 1.0,
    fine   : 100

Custom Wave

In the case of using custom type in OscillatorNode,

var reals = new Float32Array([0, 1, 0.5, 0.25, 0.125]);  // Array size must be less than or equal to 4096
var imags = new Float32Array([0, 1, 0.5, 0.25, 0.125]);  // Array size must be less than or equal to 4096

X('oscillator', 0).param('type', {real : reals, imag : images});

Manage State

The 2nd argument of "X" or "XSound" is number type for designating each oscillator.
For example, if 3 oscillators are used, this argument is either 0, 1 or 2.

// Getter
var state  = X('oscillator', 0).state();  // Boolean type

// Setter
X('oscillator', 0).state(true);      // Boolean type
X('oscillator', 0).state('toggle');  // Change state according to current state

Play the One-Shot Audio


For example, the following 12 one-shot audios are corresponded to 88 keyboards of Piano.

var base     = 'http://xxx.jp/one-shots/';
var oneshots = [
    (base + 'C.mp3'),
    (base + 'Ch.mp3'),
    (base + 'D.mp3'),
    (base + 'Dh.mp3'),
    (base + 'E.mp3'),
    (base + 'F.mp3'),
    (base + 'Fh.mp3'),
    (base + 'G.mp3'),
    (base + 'Gh.mp3'),
    (base + 'A.mp3'),
    (base + 'Ah.mp3'),
    (base + 'B.mp3')

// for "X('oneshot').setup()"
var settings = new Array(88);

for (var i = 0, len = settings.length; i < len; i++) {
    var setting = {
        buffer : 0,      // for selecting the instance of AudioBuffer
        rate   : 1,      // for "playbackRate" property in the instance of AudioBufferSourceNode
        loop   : false,  // for "loop" property in the instance of AudioBufferSourceNode
        start  : 0,      // for "loopStart" property in the instance of AudioBufferSourceNode
        end    : 0,      // for "loopEnd" property in the instance of AudioBufferSourceNode
        volume : 1       // for the instance of GainNode

    // Compute index for selecting the instance of AudioBuffer
    setting.buffer = (i + 9) % 12;

    // Compute "playbackRate" property in the instance of AudioBufferSourceNode
    if ((i >= 0) && (i <= 2)) {
        setting.rate = 0.0625;
    } else if ((i >= 3) && (i <= 14)) {
        setting.rate = 0.125;
    } else if ((i >= 15) && (i <= 26)) {
        setting.rate = 0.25;
    } else if ((i >= 27) && (i <= 38)) {
        setting.rate = 0.5;
    } else if ((i >= 39) && (i <= 50)) {
        setting.rate = 1;
    } else if ((i >= 51) && (i <= 62)) {
        setting.rate = 2;
    } else if ((i >= 63) && (i <= 74)) {
        setting.rate = 4;
    } else if ((i >= 75) && (i <= 86)) {
        setting.rate = 8;
    } else if ((i >= 87) && (i <= 98)) {
        setting.rate = 16;

    settings[i] = setting;

// Load one-shot audios
try {
        resources : oneshots,
        settings  : settings,
        timeout   : 60000,
        success : function(event, buffers) {
            // "event" is XMLHttpRequestProgressEvent
            // "buffers" is the instances of AudioBuffer
        error : function(event, textStatus) {
            // "event" is one of XMLHttpRequestProgressEvent, Error, null
            // "textStatus" is one of 'error', 'timeout', 'decode'
        progress : function(event) {
            // "event" is XMLHttpRequestProgressEvent
} catch (error) {

Start / Stop Audio

// for selecting the instance of AudioBuffer
var index = 48;

X('oneshot').ready(0, 0).start(index);  // or, X('oneshot').start(index);

Sound Scheduling

var index = 48;

// for example, Starting after 5 seconds, to stop after 10 seconds,
X('oneshot').ready(5, 10).start(index);

// Method chain
X('oneshot').ready(5, 10).start(index).ready(15, 20).start((index + 12)) /* ... */ ;

Master Volume / Transpose

// Getter
var volume    = X('oneshot').param('masterVolume');  // The default value is 1
var transpose = X('oneshot').param('transpose');     // The default value is 1

// Setter
X('oneshot').param('masterVolume', 0.5);  // The range of value is between 0 and 1
X('oneshot').param('transpose', 1.5);     // The range of value is greater than 0

// Method chain
X('oneshot').param('masterVolume', 0.5)
            .param('transpose', 1.5);

// Associative array
    masterVolume : 0.5,
    transpose    : 1.5

Envelope Generator

// Getter
var a = X('oneshot').module('envelopegenerator').param('attack');   // The default value is 0.01
var d = X('oneshot').module('envelopegenerator').param('decay');    // The default value is 0.30
var s = X('oneshot').module('envelopegenerator').param('sustain');  // The default value is 0.50
var r = X('oneshot').module('envelopegenerator').param('release');  // The default value is 1.00

// Setter
X('oneshot').module('envelopegenerator').param('attack', 0.5);   // The range of value is between 0 and 1
X('oneshot').module('envelopegenerator').param('decay', 0.5);    // The range of value is between 0 and 1
X('oneshot').module('envelopegenerator').param('sustain', 0.5);  // The range of value is between 0 and 1
X('oneshot').module('envelopegenerator').param('release', 0.5);  // The range of value is between 0 and 1

// Method chain
X('oneshot').module('envelopegenerator').param('attack', 0.5)
                         .param('decay', 0.5)
                         .param('sustain', 0.5)
                         .param('release', 0.5);

 // Associative array
    attack  : 0.5,
    decay   : 0.5,
    sustain : 0.5,
    release : 0.5

Play the Audio


Register callback functions.

    decode : function(arrayBuffer) {
        // While "decodeAudioData" is executing, this callback function is executed
        // for example, this callback function displays progress bar

        // "arrayBuffer" is the instance of ArrayBuffer
    ready : function(buffer) {
        // When "decodeAudioData" ended, this callback function is executed
        // for example, this callback function makes UI valid for starting audio

        // "buffer" is the instance of AudioBuffer
    start : function(source, currentTime) {
        // When audio starts, this callback function is executed
        // for example, this callback function updates UI for stopping audio

        // "source" is the instance of AudioBufferSourceNode
        // "currentTime" is current time (position) in the played audio
    stop : function(source, currentTime) {
        // When audio stopped, this callback function is executed
        // for example, this callback function updates UI for starting audio

        // "source" is the instance of AudioBufferSourceNode
        // "currentTime" is current time (position) in the played audio
    update : function(source, currentTime) {
        // While audio is playing, this callback function is executed
        // for example, this callback updates text for displaying current time

        // "source" is the instance of AudioBufferSourceNode
        // "currentTime" is current time (position) in the played audio
    ended : function(source, currentTime) {
        // When audio ended, this callback function is executed
        // for example, this callback clears UI for playing the audio

        // "source" is the instance of AudioBufferSourceNode
        // "currentTime" is current time in audio
    error : function() {
        // When "decodeAudioData" failed, this callback function is executed


It is required to create the instance of AudioBuffer in order to to play the audio.

// "X('audio').ready()" method creates the instance of AudioBuffer

// Ajax
    url     : 'http://xxx.jp/sample.wav',  // Resource URL
    timeout : 60000,                       // Timeout (1 minutes)
    success : function(event, arrayBuffer) {
        // "event" is XMLHttpRequestProgressEvent
        // "arrayBuffer" is the instance of ArrayBuffer

        // ArrayBuffer -> AudioBuffer -> AudioBufferSourceNode
        X('audio').ready.call(X('audio'), arrayBuffer);
    error : function(event, textStatus) {
        // "event" is XMLHttpRequestProgressEvent
        // "textStatus" is either 'error' or 'timeout'
    progress : function(event) {
        // "event" is XMLHttpRequestProgressEvent

// <input type="file">
document.querySelector('[type="file"]').addEventListener('change', function(event) {
    try {
        // The returned value is the instance of File (extends Blob)
        var file = X.file(
            event   : event,
            type    : 'ArrayBuffer',
            success : function(event, arrayBuffer) {
                // "event" is "onload" event object in the instance of FileReader
                // "arrayBuffer" is the instance of ArrayBuffer

                // the instance of File -> ArrayBuffer -> AudioBuffer -> AudioBufferSourceNode
                X('audio').ready.call(X('audio'), arrayBuffer);
            error : function(event, error) {
                // "event" is "onerror" event object in the instance of FileReader
                // "error" is error code of FileReader
            progress : function(event) {
                // "event" is "onprogress" event object in the instance of FileReader
    } catch (error) {
}, false);

Start Audio

The instance of AudioBufferSourceNode has been prepared already.


In the case of starting audio on the way of audio,

var currentTime = 60;  // 60 sec

X('audio').start(currentTime);  // Start audio from 60 sec

Stop Audio


Start / Pause



// Getter
var volume      = X('audio').param('masterVolume');  // The default value is 1
var rate        = X('audio').param('playbackRate');  // The default value is 1
var loop        = X('audio').param('loop');          // The default value is false
var currentTime = X('audio').param('currentTime');   // If the instance of AudioBuffer does not exist, this value is 0
var duration    = X('audio').param('duration');      // If the instance of AudioBuffer does not exist, this value is 0 (Getter only)
var smpleRate   = X('audio').param('sampleRate');    // If the instance of AudioBuffer does not exist, this value equals to "X.SAMPLE_RATE" (Getter only)
var channels    = X('audio').param('channels');      // If the instance of AudioBuffer does not exist, this value is 0

// Setter
X('audio').param('masterVolume', 0.5);  // The range of value is between 0 and 1
X('audio').param('playbackRate', 0.5);  // The range of value is greater than or equal to 0
X('audio').param('loop', false);
X('audio').param('currentTime', 60);    // The range of value is between 0 and audio duration

// Method chain
X('audio').param('masterVolume', 0.5)
          .param('playbackRate', 0.5)
          .param('loop', false)
          .param('currentTime', 60);

// Associative array
    masterVolume : 0.5,
    playbackRate : 0.5,
    loop         : false,
    currentTime  : 60

Vocal Canceler

// Getter
var depth = X('audio').module('vocalcanceler').param('depth');  // The default value is 0

// Setter
X('audio').module('vocalcanceler').param('depth', 0.5);  // The range of value is between 0 and 1

// Associative array
X('audio').module('vocalcanceler').param({depth : 0.5});

Play the Media


Get node object of HTMLMediaElement and select media format and register callback functions.

var mediaPlayer = null;

if (X.IS_XSOUND) {
    mediaPlayer = X('media');  // Use Web Audio API (MediaElementAudioSourceNode)
} else {
    mediaPlayer = X('media');  // Not use Web Audio API (Fallback by HTMLMediaElement)

// ...

// The properties this object has are properties of "loadstart", "loadedmetadata", "loadeddata", "canplay", "canplaythrough", "timeupdate", "ended" ...etc
var callbacks = {};

// Element ID, Media type ('audio' or 'video'), Media format array, callback
try {
        media     : document.querySelector('audio'),
        formats   : ['wav', 'ogg', 'mp3'],
        callbacks : callbacks
} catch (error) {
    // Cannot use HTMLMediaElement (for example, less than IE9)


It is required to create the instance of MediaElementAudioSourceNode in order to to play the media.

X('media').ready('http://xxx.jp/sample');  // The argument is path name (except extension) or Data URL or Object URL for media resource

Start Media

The instance of MediaElementAudioSourceNode has been prepared already.


In the case of starting media on the way of media,

var currentTime = 60;  // 60 sec

X('media').start(currentTime);  // Start media from 60 sec

Stop Media


Start / Pause



// Getter
var volume      = X('media').param('masterVolume');  // The default value is 1
var rate        = X('media').param('playbackRate');  // The default value is 1
var currentTime = X('media').param('currentTime');   // The default value is 0
var loop        = X('media').param('loop');          // The default value is false
var muted       = X('media').param('muted');         // The default value is false
var controls    = X('media').param('controls');      // The default value is false
var width       = X('media').param('width');         // Video only
var height      = X('media').param('height');        // Video only
var duration    = X('media').param('duration');      // If media data does not exist, this value is 0 (Getter only)
var channels    = X('media').param('channels');      // If the instance of MediaElementAudioSourceNode does not exist, this value is 0

// Setter
X('media').param('masterVolume', 0.5);  // The range of value is between 0 and 1
X('media').param('playbackRate', 0.5);  // The range of value is greater than or equal to 0
X('media').param('currentTime', 60);    // The range of value is between 0 and audio duration
X('media').param('loop', false);
X('media').param('muted', false);
X('media').param('controls', false);
X('media').param('width', 600);
X('media').param('height', 480);

// Method chain
X('media').param('masterVolume', 0.5)
          .param('playbackRate', 0.5)
          .param('currentTime', 60)
          .param('loop', false)
          .param('muted', false)
          .param('controls', false)
          .param('width', 600)
          .param('height', 480);

// Associative array
    masterVolume : 0.5,
    playbackRate : 0.5,
    currentTime  : 60,
    loop         : false,
    muted        : false,
    controls     : false,
    width        : 600,
    height       : 480

Vocal Canceler

Vocal Canceler requires to use Web Audio API. Therefore, it is requires to check flag.

if (X.IS_XSOUND) {
    // Getter
    var depth = X('media').module('vocalcanceler').param('depth');  // The default value is 0

    // Setter
    X('media').module('vocalcanceler').param('depth', 0.5);  // The range of value is between 0 and 1

    // Associative array
    X('media').module('vocalcanceler').param({depth : 0.5});
} else {
    // Cannot use Vocal Canceler



var isVideo = true;  // In the case of streaming video. The default value is false

var streamCallback = function(stream) {
     // "stream" is the instance of MediaStream

var errorCallback = function(error) {
     // "error" is the instance of NavigatorUserMediaError

X('stream').setup(isVideo, streamCallback, errorCallback);

Start Streaming

try {
} catch (error) {
    // Cannot use WebRTC

Stop Streaming


Start / Stop

try {
} catch (error) {
    // Cannot use WebRTC


// Getter
var volume = X('stream').param('masterVolume');  // The default value is 1

// Setter
X('stream').param('masterVolume', 0.5);  // The range of value is between 0 and 1

// Associative array
X('stream').param({masterVolume : 0.5});

Noise Gate

// Getter
var level = X('stream').module('noisegate').param('level');  // The default value is 0

// Setter
X('stream').module('noisegate').param('level', 0.3);  // The range of value is between 0 and 1

// Associative array
X('stream').module('noisegate').param({level : 0.3});



var sysex = true;

var successCallback = function(midiAccess, inputs, outputs) {
    // The 1st argument is the instance of MIDIAccess
    // The 2nd argument is the instance of MIDIInput
    // The 3rd argument is the instance of MIDIOutput

var errorCallback = function(error) {
    // The 1st argument is the instance of DOMException

X('midi').setup(sysex, successCallback, errorCallback);

MML (Music Macro Language)

Description Rule

Scale C D E F G A B
Duration 1 2 4 8 16 32 64 128 256
Triplet / Nonuplet 6 8 12 18 24 36 48 72 96 144 192
Sharp +, #
Flat -
Rest R
Dotted note .
Tie &
Octave O
Tempo T


var mml = 'T74O4AF+DB2AEB4G+4AF+C+2&AF+C+8F+8A8O5F+8AF+D2AEB4G+4 AF+D2BB4O6C+AE+2.&C+AE+8O5BG+16AF+16BG+E2G+B8AC+8G+B8EG+8F+C+A4.F+F+8G+G+8F+F+8G+G+4AF+C+2.BB4AEB2.&AEB8G+16F+16G+EB2R4';

If multipart is used, it is requires to define separator.
But, separator must not be the characters that are used by MML.

var mml1 = 'T74O4AF+DB2AEB4G+4AF+C+2&AF+C+8F+8A8O5F+8AF+D2AEB4G+4 AF+D2BB4O6C+AE+2.&C+AE+8O5BG+16AF+16BG+E2G+B8AC+8G+B8EG+8F+C+A4.F+F+8G+G+8F+F+8G+G+4AF+C+2.BB4AEB2.&AEB8G+16F+16G+EB2R4';
var mml2 = 'T74O2B2O3C+2D1O2B2O3C+2D2E2O2A1E1F+2E2O3DD1EE1&EE1';

// for example, '||' is separator.
var mml = mml1 + '||' + mml2;


    start : function(sequence, index) {
        // When the MML starts, this callback function is executed

        // "sequence" is associative array for playing the MML.
        // This has the following properties.
        //    sequence.indexes;      // for X('oneshot')
        //    sequence.frequencies;  // for X('oscillator')
        //    sequence.start;        // the start time of notes
        //    sequence.duration;     // the duration of notes
        //    sequence.stop;         // the stop time of notes (this is total of "start" and "duration")
    stop : function(sequence, index) {
        // When the MML stopped, this callback function is executed
    ended : function() {
        // When the MML ended, this callback function is executed
    error : function(error, note) {
        // "error" is one of 'TEMPO', 'OCTAVE', 'NOTE', 'MML'
        // "note" is invalid MML string

Parse MML

var mml1 = 'T74O4AF+DB2AEB4G+4AF+C+2&AF+C+8F+8A8O5F+8AF+D2AEB4G+4 AF+D2BB4O6C+AE+2.&C+AE+8O5BG+16AF+16BG+E2G+B8AC+8G+B8EG+8F+C+A4.F+F+8G+G+8F+F+8G+G+4AF+C+2.BB4AEB2.&AEB8G+16F+16G+EB2R4';
var mml2 = 'T74O2B2O3C+2D1O2B2O3C+2D2E2O2A1E1F+2E2O3DD1EE1&EE1';

// for example, '||' is separator.
var mml = mml1 + '||' + mml2;  // for example, Get this string from <input type="text">, <textarea> ...etc

var mmls = mml.split.split('||');

X('mml').ready(X('oneshot'), mmls);

In the case of using "X('oscillator')",

var clones  = [];
var sources = [];

for (var i = 0, len = mmls.length; i < len; i++) {
    var cloned = X.clone();


for (var i = 0, len = clones.length i < len; i++) {
        start : function(sequence, index) {
    }).ready(clones[i]('oscillator'), mmls[i]);

Start MML

var parts = X('mml').get();

for (var i = 0, len = parts.length; i < len; i++) {

In the case of using "X('oscillator')",

var sources = [];

for (var i = 0, len = clones.length; i < len; i++) {


Stop MML


Mix Sound Source

In the case of mixing the cloned sound source with the original sound source,

// for example, in the case of mixing 2 sound sources,

var cloned = X.clone();

var main = X('oscillator');
var sub  = cloned('oscillator');

main.setup([true]).ready(0, 0).start(440);
sub.setup([true]).ready(0, 0).start(880);

// Mix sounds
X('mixer').mix([main, sub]);

Select Connected Module

The default connection is the follwing.

  1. panner

  2. compressor

  3. distortion

  4. wah

  5. equalizer

  6. filter

  7. autopanner

  8. tremolo

  9. ringmodulator

  10. phaser

  11. flanger

  12. chorus

  13. delay

  14. reverb

If application does not use some effectors, the effector should be disconnected by "state" method.
For example,

var source   = /* 'oscillator' or 'oneshot' or 'audio' or 'media' or 'stream' or 'mixer' */;
var effector = /* 'panner' or 'compressor' or 'distortion' or 'wah' or 'equalizer' or 'filter' or 'autopanner' or 'tremolo' or 'ringmodulator' or 'phaser' or 'flanger' or 'chorus' or 'delay' or 'reverb' */;

// Getter
var state  = X(source).module(effector).state();  // Boolean type

// Setter
X(source).module(effector).state(false);     // Disconnect the designated effector
X(source).module(effector).state('toggle');  // Change state according to current state

Default state is inactive (false) except 'compressor' and 'equalizer'.
Therefore, application must change to active state (true) by "state" method.

In the case of selecting module,

// For exmaple, source (input) -> ScriptProcessorNode -> masterVolume -> analyser -> AudioDestinationNode (output)
X('oscillator').start(440, []);
X('oneshot').start(0, []);
X('audio').start(0, []);
X('media').start(0, []);

// For exmaple, source (input) -> ScriptProcessorNode -> [ chorus -> delay ] -> masterVolume -> analyser -> AudioDestinationNode (output)
X('oscillator').start(440, [X('oscillator').module('chorus), X('oscillator').module('delay')]);
X('oneshot').start(0, [X('audio').module('chorus), X('audio').module('delay')]);
X('audio').start(0, [X('audio').module('chorus), X('audio').module('delay')]);
X('media').start(0, [X('media').module('chorus), X('media').module('delay')]);
X('stream').start([X('stream').module('chorus), X('stream').module('delay')]);

Custom Sound Processor

In ths case of customizing "onaudioprocess" event handler in the instance of ScriptProcessorNode,

// for exmale, white noise
X('oscillator').start(440, [], function(event) {
    var outputLs = event.outputBuffer.getChannelData(0);
    var outputRs = event.outputBuffer.getChannelData(1);

    for (var i = 0; i < this.bufferSize; i++) {
        outputLs[i] = 2 * (Math.random() - 0.5);
        outputRs[i] = 2 * (Math.random() - 0.5);

// for exmale, audio and white noise
X('audio').start(0, [], function(event) {
    var inputLs = event.inputBuffer.getChannelData(0);
    var inputRs = event.inputBuffer.getChannelData(1);
    var outputLs = event.outputBuffer.getChannelData(0);
    var outputRs = event.outputBuffer.getChannelData(1);

    for (var i = 0; i < this.bufferSize; i++) {
        outputLs[i] = (inputLs[i] + 2 * (Math.random() - 0.5)) / 2;
        outputRs[i] = (inputRs[i] + 2 * (Math.random() - 0.5)) / 2;


The following, the variable is one of 'oscillator', 'oneshot', 'audio', 'media', 'stream', 'mixer'.

var source = /* 'oscillator' or 'oneshot' or 'audio' or 'media' or 'stream' or 'mixer' */;

If effectors are used to X('media'), it is necessary to determine global flag (X.IS_XSOUND).
However, this is omitted the following.


var params = {};

// Getter
params.threshold = X(source).module('compressor').param('threshold');  // The default value is 24
params.knee      = X(source).module('compressor').param('knee');       // The default value is 30
params.ratio     = X(source).module('compressor').param('ratio');      // The default value is 12
params.attack    = X(source).module('compressor').param('attack');     // The default value is 0.003
params.release   = X(source).module('compressor').param('release');    // The default value is 0.25

// Setter
X(source).module('compressor').param('threshold', 24);  // The range of value is between -100 and 0
X(source).module('compressor').param('knee',30 );       // The range of value is between 0 and 40
X(source).module('compressor').param('ratio', 12);      // The range of value is between 1 and 20
X(source).module('compressor').param('attack', 0.003);  // The range of value is between 0 and 1
X(source).module('compressor').param('release', 0.25);  // The range of value is between 0 and 1

// Method chain
X(source).module('compressor').param('threshold', 24)
                              .param('knee',30 )
                              .param('ratio', 12)
                              .param('attack', 0.003)
                              .param('release', 0.25);

// Associative array
    threshold : 24,
    knee      : 30,
    ratio     : 12,
    attack    : 0.003,
    release   : 0.25


var params = {};

// Getter
params.curve   = X(source).module('distortion').param('curve');    // The default value is 'clean'
params.samples = X(source).module('distortion').param('samples');  // The default value is 4096
params.drive   = X(source).module('distortion').param('drive');    // The default value is 1
params.color   = X(source).module('distortion').param('color');    // The default value is 350
params.tone    = X(source).module('distortion').param('tone');     // The default value is 350

// Setter
X(source).module('distortion').param('curve', 'overdirve');  // one of 'clean', 'crunch', 'overdrive', 'distortion', 'fuzz'
X(source).module('distortion').param('samples', 4096);       // The value must be greater than 0
X(source).module('distortion').param('drive', 0.5);          // The range of value is between 0 and 1
X(source).module('distortion').param('color', 4000);         // The range of value is between 10 and half the sample-rate
X(source).module('distortion').param('tone', 4000);          // The range of value is between 10 and half the sample-rate

// Method chain
X(source).module('distortion').param('curve', 'overdirve')
                              .param('samples', 4096)
                              .param('drive', 0.5)
                              .param('color', 4000)
                              .param('tone', 4000);

// Associative array
    curve   : 'overdrive',
    samples : 4096,
    drive   : 0.5,
    color   : 4000,
    tone    : 4000


var params = {};

// Getter
params.cutoff    = X(source).module('wah').param('cutoff');     // The default value is 350
params.depth     = X(source).module('wah').param('depth');      // The default value is 0
params.rate      = X(source).module('wah').param('rate');       // The default value is 0
params.resonance = X(source).module('wah').param('resonance');  // The default value is 1

// Setter
X(source).module('wah').param('cutoff', 1000);   // The range of value is between 10 and half the sample-rate
X(source).module('wah').param('depth', 0.5);     // The range of value is between 0 and 1
X(source).module('wah').param('rate', 5);        // The range of value is greater than or equal to 0
X(source).module('wah').param('resonance', 20);  // The range of value is between 0.0001 and 1000

// Method chain
X(source).module('wah').param('cutoff', 1000)
                       .param('depth', 0.5)
                       .param('rate', 5)
                       .param('resonance', 20);

// Associative array
    cutoff    : 1000,
    depth     : 0.5,
    rate      : 5,
    resonance : 20


var params = {};

// Getter
params.bass     = X(source).module('equalizer').param('bass');      // The default value is 0
params.middle   = X(source).module('equalizer').param('middle');    // The default value is 0
params.treble   = X(source).module('equalizer').param('treble');    // The default value is 0
params.presence = X(source).module('equalizer').param('presence');  // The default value is 0

// Setter
X(source).module('equalizer').param('bass', 18);      // The range of value is between -40 and 40
X(source).module('equalizer').param('middle', 18);    // The range of value is between -40 and 40
X(source).module('equalizer').param('treble', 18);    // The range of value is between -40 and 40
X(source).module('equalizer').param('presence', 18);  // The range of value is between -40 and 40

// Method chain
X(source).module('equalizer').param('bass', 18)
                             .param('middle', 18)
                             .param('treble', 18)
                             .param('presence', 18);

// Associative array
    bass     : 18,
    middle   : 18,
    treble   : 18,
    presence : 18


var params = {};

// Getter
params.type      = X(source).module('filter').param('type');       // The default value is 'lowpass'
params.frequency = X(source).module('filter').param('frequency');  // The default value is 350
params.resonance = X(source).module('filter').param('Q');          // The default value is 1
params.gain      = X(source).module('filter').param('gain');       // The default value is 0
params.range     = X(source).module('filter').param('range');      // The default value is 0.1 (10 %)
params.attack    = X(source).module('filter').param('attack');     // The default value is 0.01
params.decay     = X(source).module('filter').param('decay');      // The default value is 0.3
params.sustain   = X(source).module('filter').param('sustain');    // The default value is 1
params.release   = X(source).module('filter').param('release');    // The default value is 1

// Setter
X(source).module('filter').param('type', 'lowpass');  // one of 'lowpass', 'highpass', 'bandpass', 'lowshelf', 'highshelf', 'peaking', 'notch', 'allpass'
X(source).module('filter').param('frequency', 1000);  // The range of value is between 10 and half the sample-rate
X(source).module('filter').param('Q', 20);            // The range of value is between 0.0001 and 1000
X(source).module('filter').param('gain', 18);         // The range of value is between -40 and 40
X(source).module('filter').param('range', 0.5);       // The range of value is between 0 and 1
X(source).module('filter').param('attack', 0.5);      // The range of value is between 0 and 1
X(source).module('filter').param('decay', 0.5);       // The range of value is between 0 and 1
X(source).module('filter').param('sustain', 0.5);     // The range of value is between 0 and 1
X(source).module('filter').param('release', 0.5);     // The range of value is between 0 and 1

// Method chain
X(source).module('filter').param('type', 'lowpass')
                          .param('frequency', 1000)
                          .param('Q', 20)
                          .param('gain', 18)
                          .param('range', 0.5)
                          .param('attack', 0.5)
                          .param('decay', 0.5)
                          .param('sustain', 0.5)
                          .param('release', 0.5);

// Associative array
    type      : 'lowpass',
    frequency : 1000,
    Q         : 20,
    gain      : 18,
    range     : 0.5,
    attack    : 0.5,
    decay     : 0.5,
    sustain   : 0.5,
    release   : 0.5

Auto Panner

var params = {};

// Getter
params.depth = X(source).module('autopanner').param('depth');  // The default value is 0
params.rate  = X(source).module('autopanner').param('rate');   // The default value is 0

// Setter
X(source).module('autopanner').param('depth', 0.5);  // The range of value is between 0 and 1
X(source).module('autopanner').param('rate', 0.5);   // The range of value is greater than or equal to 0

// Method chain
X(source).module('autopanner').param('depth', 0.5)
                              .param('rate', 0.5);

// Associative array
    depth : 0.5,
    rate  : 0.5


var params = {};

// Getter
params.depth = X(source).module('tremolo').param('depth');  // The default value is 0
params.rate  = X(source).module('tremolo').param('rate');   // The default value is 0
params.wave  = X(source).module('tremolo').param('wave');   // The default value is 'sine'

// Setter
X(source).module('tremolo').param('depth', 0.5);        // The range of value is between 0 and 1
X(source).module('tremolo').param('rate', 5);           // The range of value is greater than or equal to 0
X(source).module('tremolo').param('wave', 'triangle');  // one of 'sine', 'square', 'sawtooth', 'triangle'

// Method chain
X(source).module('tremolo').param('depth', 0.5)
                           .param('rate', 5)
                           .param('wave', 'triangle');

// Associative array
    depth : 0.5,
    rate  : 5,
    wave  : 'triangle'

Ring Modulator

var params = {};

// Getter
params.depth = X(source).module('ringmodulator').param('depth');  // The default value is 1
params.rate  = X(source).module('ringmodulator').param('rate');   // The default value is 0

// Setter
X(source).module('ringmodulator').param('depth', 0.5);  // The range of value is between 0 and 1
X(source).module('ringmodulator').param('rate', 1000);  // The range of value is greater than or equal to 0

// Method chain
X(source).module('ringmodulator').param('depth', 0.5)
                                 .param('rate', 1000);

// Associative array
    depth : 0.5,
    rate  : 1000


var params = {};

// Getter
params.stage     = X(source).module('phaser').param('stage');      // The default value is 12
params.frequency = X(source).module('phaser').param('frequency');  // The default value is 350
params.resonance = X(source).module('phaser').param('resonance');  // The default value is 1
params.depth     = X(source).module('phaser').param('depth');      // The default value is 0
params.rate      = X(source).module('phaser').param('rate');       // The default value is 0
params.mix       = X(source).module('phaser').param('mix');        // The default value is 0
params.feedback  = X(source).module('phaser').param('feedback');   // The default value is 0

// Setter
X(source).module('phaser').param('stage', 8);         // The range of value is between 0 and 24
X(source).module('phaser').param('frequency', 1000);  // The range of value is between 10 and half the sample-rate
X(source).module('phaser').param('resonance', 10);    // The range of value is between 0.0001 and 1000
X(source).module('phaser').param('depth', 0.5);       // The range of value is between 0 and 1
X(source).module('phaser').param('rate', 5);          // The range of value is greater than or equal to 0
X(source).module('phaser').param('mix', 0.5);         // The range of value is between 0 and 1
X(source).module('phaser').param('feedback', 0.5);    // The range of value is between 0 and 1

// Method chain
X(source).module('phaser').param('stage', 8)
                          .param('frequency', 1000)
                          .param('resonance', 10)
                          .param('depth', 0.5)
                          .param('rate', 5)
                          .param('mix', 0.5)
                          .param('feedback', 0.5);

// Associative array
    stage     : 8,
    frequency : 1000,
    resonance : 10,
    depth     : 0.5,
    rate      : 5,
    mix       : 0.5,
    feedback  : 0.5


var params = {};

// Getter
params.time     = X(source).module('flanger').param('time');      // The default value is 0
params.depth    = X(source).module('flanger').param('depth');     // The default value is 0
params.rate     = X(source).module('flanger').param('rate');      // The default value is 0
params.mix      = X(source).module('flanger').param('mix');       // The default value is 0
params.tone     = X(source).module('flanger').param('tone');      // The default value is 350
params.feedback = X(source).module('flanger').param('feedback');  // The default value is 0

// Setter
X(source).module('flanger').param('time', 0.005);    // The range of value is between 0 and 1 (sec)
X(source).module('flanger').param('depth', 0.5);     // The range of value is between 0 and 1
X(source).module('flanger').param('rate', 5);        // The range of value is greater than or equal to 0
X(source).module('flanger').param('mix', 0.5);       // The range of value is between 0 and 1
X(source).module('flanger').param('tone', 4000);     // The range of value is between 10 and half the sample-rate
X(source).module('flanger').param('feedback', 0.5);  // The range of value is between 0 and 1

// Method chain
X(source).module('flanger').param('time', 0.005)
                           .param('depth', 0.5)
                           .param('rate', 5)
                           .param('mix', 0.5)
                           .param('tone', 4000)
                           .param('feedback', 0.5);

// Associative array
    time     : 0.005,
    depth    : 0.5,
    rate     : 5,
    mix      : 0.5,
    tone     : 4000,
    feedback : 0.5


var params = {};

// Getter
params.time     = X(source).module('chorus').param('time');      // The default value is 0
params.depth    = X(source).module('chorus').param('depth');     // The default value is 0
params.rate     = X(source).module('chorus').param('rate');      // The default value is 0
params.mix      = X(source).module('chorus').param('mix');       // The default value is 0
params.tone     = X(source).module('chorus').param('tone');      // The default value is 350
params.feedback = X(source).module('chorus').param('feedback');  // The default value is 0

// Setter
X(source).module('chorus').param('time',  0.020);    // The range of value is between 0 and 1 (sec)
X(source).module('chorus').param('depth', 0.05);     // The range of value is between 0 and 1
X(source).module('chorus').param('rate', 0.5);       // The range of value is greater than or equal to 0
X(source).module('chorus').param('mix', 0.5);        // The range of value is between 0 and 1
X(source).module('chorus').param('tone', 4000);      // The range of value is between 10 and half the sample-rate
X(source).module('chorus').param('feedback', 0.05);  // The range of value is between 0 and 1

// Method chain
X(source).module('chorus').param('time',  0.020)
                          .param('depth', 0.05)
                          .param('rate', 0.5)
                          .param('mix', 0.5)
                          .param('tone', 4000)
                          .param('feedback', 0.05);

// Associative array
    time     : 0.020,
    depth    : 0.05,
    rate     : 0.5,
    mix      : 0.5,
    tone     : 4000,
    feedback : 0.05


var params = {};

// Getter
params.time     = X(source).module('delay').param('delayTime');  // The default value is 0
params.dry      = X(source).module('delay').param('dry');        // The default value is 1
params.wet      = X(source).module('delay').param('wet');        // The default value is 0
params.tone     = X(source).module('delay').param('tone');       // The default value is 350
params.feedback = X(source).module('delay').param('feedback');   // The default value is 0

// Setter
X(source).module('delay').param('delayTime', 0.500);  // The range of value is between 0 and 5 (5000 msec)
X(source).module('delay').param('dry', 0.5);          // The range of value is between 0 and 1
X(source).module('delay').param('wet', 0.5);          // The range of value is between 0 and 1
X(source).module('delay').param('tone', 4000);        // The range of value is between 10 and half the sample-rate
X(source).module('delay').param('feedback', 0.5);     // The range of value is between 0 and 1

// Method chain
X(source).module('delay').param('delayTime', 0.500)
                         .param('dry', 0.5)
                         .param('wet', 0.5)
                         .param('tone', 4000)
                         .param('feedback', 0.5);

// Associative array
    delayTime : 0.500,
    dry       : 0.5,
    wet       : 0.5,
    tone      : 4000,
    feedback  : 0.5


Reverb effect requires ArrayBuffer of impulse response.

// Ajax
    url     : 'http://xxx.jp/impulse.wav',  // Resource URL
    timeout : 60000,                        // Timeout (1 minutes)
    success : function(event, arrayBuffer) {
        // "event" is XMLHttpRequestProgressEvent
        // "arrayBuffer" is the instance of ArrayBuffer

        // ArrayBuffer -> AudioBuffer -> "buffer" property in the instance of ConvolverNode
        X(source).module('reverb').start.call(X(source).module('reverb'), arrayBuffer);
    error : function(event, textStatus) {
        // "event" is XMLHttpRequestProgressEvent
        // "textStatus" is either of 'error' or 'timeout'
    progress : function(event) {
        // "event" is XMLHttpRequestProgressEvent

// <input type="file">
document.querySelector('[type="file"]').addEventListener('change', function(event) {
    try {
        // The returned value is the instance of File (extends Blob)
        var file = X.file(
            event   : event,
            type    : 'ArrayBuffer',
            success : function(event, arrayBuffer) {
                // "event" is "onload" event object in the instance of FileReader
                // "arrayBuffer" is the instance of ArrayBuffer

                // the instance of File -> ArrayBuffer -> AudioBuffer -> AudioBufferSourceNode
                X(source).module('reverb').start.call(X(source).module('reverb'), arrayBuffer);
            error : function(event, error) {
                // "event" is "onerror" event object in the instance of FileReader
                // "error" is error code of FileReader
            progress : function(event) {
                // "event" is "onprogress" event object in the instance of FileReader
    } catch (error) {
}, false);

If application requires many impulse responses, this library defines better method.

// Array contains URLs for impulse response
var rirs = [

    rirs    : rirs,
    timeout : 60000,
    success : function(event, rirs) {
        // "event" is XMLHttpRequestProgressEvent
        // "rirs" is the instances of AudioBuffer for impulse response
    error : function(event, textStatus) {
        // "event" is one of XMLHttpRequestProgressEvent, Error, null
        // "textStatus" is one of 'error', 'timeout', 'decode'
    progress : function(event) {
        // "event" is XMLHttpRequestProgressEvent


/** @type {Array.<AudioBuffer>} */
var reverbs = [];

for (var i = 0, len = rirs.length; i < len; i++) {
    X.ajax(rirs[i], 60000, function(event, arrayBuffer) {
        X.decode(X.get(), arrayBuffer, function(audioBuffer) {

            // Complete ?
            if (reverbs.length === rirs.length) {
        }, function(error) {
            // "decodeAudioData" method encountered an error.
            if (error instanceof Error) {
            } else {
                window.alert('Decode error');
    }, function(event, textStatus) {
        // "event" is XMLHttpRequestProgressEvent
        // "textStatus" is either of 'error' or 'timeout'

var params = {};

// Getter
params.dry  = X(source).module('reverb').param('dry');   // The default value is 1
params.wet  = X(source).module('reverb').param('wet');   // The default value is 0
params.tone = X(source).module('reverb').param('tone');  // The default value is 350
params.type = X(source).module('reverb').param('type');  // "buffer" property in ConvolverNode (Getter only)
params.rirs = X(source).module('reverb').param('rirs');  // Array contains the instances of AudioBuffer for impulse response (Getter only)

// Setter
X(source).module('reverb').param('dry', 0.5);    // The range of value is between 0 and 1
X(source).module('reverb').param('wet', 0.5);    // The range of value is between 0 and 1
X(source).module('reverb').param('tone', 4000);  // The range of value is between 10 and half the sample-rate

// Method chain
X(source).module('reverb').param('dry', 0.5)
                          .param('wet', 0.5)
                          .param('tone', 4000);

// Associative array
    dry  : 0.5,
    wet  : 0.5,
    tone : 4000

Customized Effector

If customized effector module is used, the module should be defined the following.

function MyEffector(context) {
    /* "context" is the instance of AudioContext */

    this.isActive;  // Boolean type from Effector class
    this.lfo;       // the instance of OscillatorNode from Effector class
    this.depth;     // the instance of GainNode from Effector class

    // It is necessary to connection from "input" and to "output"
    // (The properties of "input" and "output" are inherited from Effector class)

    /* this.input.connect( ... connect(this.output); */

 /** @extends {Effector} */
X(source).install('myeffector', MyEffector);

/** @override */
MyEffector.prototype.param = function() {
    /* Getter and Setter for accessible parameters */

 * This method starts LFO. Namely, this method starts Effector.
 * @param {number} startTime This argument is in order to schedule parameter.
 * @override
MyEffector.prototype.start = function(startTime) {
    // ...

 * This method stops LFO, and prepares {OscillatorNode} again in the case of "false".
 * @param {number} stopTime This argument is in order to schedule parameter.
 * @param {number} releaseTime This argument is in order to schedule parameter when it is necessary to consider release time.
 * @override
MyEffector.prototype.stop = function(stopTime, releaseTime) {
    // ...

X(source).start(/* the 1st argument */, [/* Other modules ,*/ X(source).module('myeffector') /*, Other modules */]);

for example,

function SuperModulation(context) {
    this.predelay = context.createDelay();
    this.delay    = context.createDelay();
    this.splitter = context.createChannelSplitter();
    this.merger   = context.createChannelMerger();

    this.dry      = context.createGain();
    this.wet      = context.createGain();
    this.feedback = context.createGain();


    this.splitter.connect(this.predelay, 0);
    this.splitter.connect(this.merger, 1, 1);
    this.predelay.connect(this.merger, 0, 0);



    this.predelay.delayTime.value = 1;
    this.delay.delayTime.value    = 0;
    this.dry.gain.value           = 1;
    this.wet.gain.value           = 0;

    this.values = {
        pre  : this.predelay.delayTime,
        time : this.delay.delayTime,
        dry  : this.dry.gain,
        wet  : this.wet.gain

    this.isActive = true;

/** @extends {Effector} */
X('oscillator').install('supermodulation', SuperModulation);

/** @override */
SuperModulation.prototype.param = function(key, value) {
    if (value === undefined) {
        return this.values[key].value;  // Getter
    } else {
        this.values[key].value = value;  // Setter


/** @override */
SuperModulation.prototype.start = function(startTime) {
    if (this.isActive) {

/** @override */
SuperModulation.prototype.stop = function(stopTime, releaseTime) {
    if (this.isActive) {
        this.lfo.stop(stopTime + releaseTime);

X('oscillator').module('supermodulation').param('pre',  0.025);
X('oscillator').module('supermodulation').param('time', 0.050);
X('oscillator').module('supermodulation').param('dry',  0.700);
X('oscillator').module('supermodulation').param('wet',  0.300);

X('oscillator').start(440, [X('oscillator').module('supermodulation')]);


var params = {};

// Getter
params.x = X(source).module('panner').param('x');  // 'x' for setPosition. The default value is 0
params.y = X(source).module('panner').param('y');  // 'y' for setPosition. The default value is 0
params.z = X(source).module('panner').param('z');  // 'z' for setPosition. The default value is 0

params.ox = X(source).module('panner').param('ox');  // 'ox' for setOrientation. The default value is 1
params.oy = X(source).module('panner').param('oy');  // 'oy' for setOrientation. The default value is 0
params.oz = X(source).module('panner').param('oz');  // 'oz' for setOrientation. The default value is 0

params.vx = X(source).module('panner').param('vx');  // 'vx' for setVelocity. The default value is 0
params.vy = X(source).module('panner').param('vy');  // 'vy' for setVelocity. The default value is 0
params.vz = X(source).module('panner').param('vz');  // 'vz' for setVelocity. The default value is 0

params.refDistance   = X(source).module('panner').param('refDistance');    // The default value is 1
params.maxDistance   = X(source).module('panner').param('maxDistance');    // The default value is 10000
params.rolloffFactor = X(source).module('panner').param('rolloffFactor');  // The default value is 1

params.coneInnerAngle = X(source).module('panner').param('coneInnerAngle');  // The default value is 360
params.coneOuterAngle = X(source).module('panner').param('coneOuterAngle');  // The default value is 360
params.coneOuterGain  = X(source).module('panner').param('coneOuterGain');   // The default value is 0

params.pannningModel = X(source).module('panner').param('panningModel');   // The default value is 'HRTF'
params.distanceModel = X(source).module('panner').param('distanceModel');  // The default value is 'inverse'

// Setter
X(source).module('panner').param('x', 0);
X(source).module('panner').param('y', 0);
X(source).module('panner').param('z', 0);

X(source).module('panner').param('ox', 1);
X(source).module('panner').param('oy', 0);
X(source).module('panner').param('oz', 0);

X(source).module('panner').param('vx', 0);
X(source).module('panner').param('vy', 0);
X(source).module('panner').param('vz', 0);

X(source).module('panner').param('refDistance', 1);
X(source).module('panner').param('maxDistance', 10000);
X(source).module('panner').param('rolloffFactor', 1);

X(source).module('panner').param('coneInnerAngle', 360);
X(source).module('panner').param('coneOuterAngle', 360);
X(source).module('panner').param('coneOuterGain', 0);

X(source).module('panner').param('panningModel', 'HRTF');      // either 'equalpower' or 'HRTF'
X(source).module('panner').param('distanceModel', 'inverse');  // one of 'linear', 'inverse', 'exponential'

// Method chain
X(source).module('panner').param('x', 0)
                          .param('y', 0)
                          .param('z', 0)
                          .param('ox', 1)
                          .param('oy', 0)
                          .param('oz', 0)
                          .param('vx', 0)
                          .param('vy', 0)
                          .param('vz', 0)
                          .param('refDistance', 1)
                          .param('maxDistance', 10000)
                          .param('rolloffFactor', 1)
                          .param('coneInnerAngle', 360)
                          .param('coneOuterAngle', 360)
                          .param('coneOuterGain', 0)
                          .param('panningModel', 'HRTF')
                          .param('distanceModel', 'inverse');

// Associative array
    x  : 0,
    y  : 0,
    z  : 0,
    ox : 1,
    oy : 0,
    oz : 0,
    vx : 0,
    vy : 0,
    vz : 0,
    refDistance    : 1,
    maxDistance    : 10000,
    rolloffFactor  : 1,
    coneInnerAngle : 360,
    coneOuterAngle : 360,
    coneOuterGain  : 0,
    panningModel   : 'HRTF',
    distanceModel  : 'inverse'


var params = {};

// Getter
params.dopplerFactor = X(source).module('listener').param('dopplerFactor');  // The default value is 1
params.speedOfSound  = X(source).module('listener').param('speedOfSound');   // The default value is 343.3

params.x = X(source).module('listener').param('x');  // 'x' for setPosition. The default value is 0
params.y = X(source).module('listener').param('y');  // 'y' for setPosition. The default value is 0
params.z = X(source).module('listener').param('z');  // 'z' for setPosition. The default value is 0

params.fx = X(source).module('listener').param('fx');  // 'fx' for setOrientation (front). The default value is 0
params.fy = X(source).module('listener').param('fy');  // 'fy' for setOrientation (front). The default value is 0
params.fz = X(source).module('listener').param('fz');  // 'fz' for setOrientation (front). The default value is -1
params.ux = X(source).module('listener').param('ux');  // 'ux' for setOrientation (up). The default value is 0
params.uy = X(source).module('listener').param('uy');  // 'uy' for setOrientation (up). The default value is 1
params.uz = X(source).module('listener').param('uz');  // 'uz' for setOrientation (up). The default value is 0

params.vx = X(source).module('listener').param('vx');  // 'vx' for setVelocity. The default value is 0
params.vy = X(source).module('listener').param('vy');  // 'vy' for setVelocity. The default value is 0
params.vz = X(source).module('listener').param('vz');  // 'vz' for setVelocity. The default value is 0

// Setter
X(source).module('listener').param('dopplerFactor', 1);
X(source).module('listener').param('speedOfSound', 343.3);

X(source).module('listener').param('x', 0);
X(source).module('listener').param('y', 0);
X(source).module('listener').param('z', 0);

X(source).module('listener').param('fx', 0);
X(source).module('listener').param('fy', 0);
X(source).module('listener').param('fz', -1);
X(source).module('listener').param('ux', 0);
X(source).module('listener').param('uy', 1);
X(source).module('listener').param('uz', 0);

X(source).module('listener').param('vx', 0);
X(source).module('listener').param('vy', 0);
X(source).module('listener').param('vz', 0);

// Method chain
X(source).module('listener').param('dopplerFactor', 1)
                            .param('speedOfSound', 343.3)
                            .param('x', 0)
                            .param('y', 0)
                            .param('z', 0)
                            .param('fx', 0)
                            .param('fy', 0)
                            .param('fz', -1)
                            .param('ux', 0)
                            .param('uy', 1)
                            .param('uz', 0)
                            .param('vx', 0)
                            .param('vy', 0)
                            .param('vz', 0);

// Associative array
    dopplerFactor : 1,
    speedOfSound  : 343.3,
    x  : 0,
    y  : 0,
    z  : 0,
    fx : 0,
    fy : 0,
    fz : -1,
    ux : 0,
    uy : 1,
    uz : 0,
    vx : 0,
    vy : 0,
    vz : 0

It is necessary to connect Panner for using the Listener.

Get Parameters Collectively

As associative array,

var params = X(source).params();


var json = X(source).toJSON();





    <dt>TIME DOMAIN [ LEFT ]</dt>
    <dd><canvas id="canvas-time-overview-L" width="360" height="120"></canvas></dd>
    <dd><svg id="svg-time-overview-L" width="360" height="120" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"></svg></dd>
    <dt>TIME DOMAIN [ RIGHT ]</dt>
    <dd><canvas id="canvas-time-overview-R" width="360" height="120"></canvas></dd>
    <dd><svg id="svg-time-overview-R" width="360" height="120" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"></svg></dd>
    <dt>TIME DOMAIN</dt>
    <dd><canvas id="canvas-time" width="360" height="120"></canvas></dd>
    <dd><svg id="svg-time" width="360" height="120" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"></svg></dd>
    <dd><canvas id="canvas-spectrum" width="360" height="120"></canvas></dd>
    <dd><svg id="svg-spectrum" width="360" height="120" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"></svg></dd>


In the case of using HTML5 Canvas,

// for drawing created sound
X('oscillator').module('analyser').domain('time').setup(document.getElementById('canvas-time'));     // Time domain
X('oscillator').module('analyser').domain('fft').setup(document.getElementById('canvas-spectrum'));  // Frequency domain

// for drawing one-shot audio
X('oneshot').module('analyser').domain('time').setup(document.getElementById('canvas-time'));     // Time domain
X('oneshot').module('analyser').domain('fft').setup(document.getElementById('canvas-spectrum'));  // Frequency domain

// for drawing audio
X('audio').module('analyser').domain('time-overview-L').setup(document.getElementById('canvas-time-overview-L'));  // Overview in time domain (L channel)
X('audio').module('analyser').domain('time-overview-R').setup(document.getElementById('canvas-time-overview-R'));  // Overview in time domain (R channel)
X('audio').module('analyser').domain('time').setup(document.getElementById('canvas-time'));                        // Time domain
X('audio').module('analyser').domain('fft').setup(document.getElementById('canvas-spectrum'));                     // Frequency domain

// for drawing media
X('media').module('analyser').domain('time').setup(document.getElementById('canvas-time'));     // Time domain
X('media').module('analyser').domain('fft').setup(document.getElementById('canvas-spectrum'));  // Frequency domain

// for drawing stream
X('stream').module('analyser').domain('time').setup(document.getElementById('canvas-time'));     // Time domain
X('stream').module('analyser').domain('fft').setup(document.getElementById('canvas-spectrum'));  // Frequency domain

In the case of using HTML5 SVG,

// for drawing created sound
X('oscillator').module('analyser').domain('time').setup(document.getElementById('svg-time'));     // Time domain
X('oscillator').module('analyser').domain('fft').setup(document.getElementById('svg-spectrum'));  // Frequency domain

// for drawing one-shot audio
X('oneshot').module('analyser').domain('time').setup(document.getElementById('svg-time'));     // Time domain
X('oneshot').module('analyser').domain('fft').setup(document.getElementById('svg-spectrum'));  // Frequency domain

// for drawing audio
X('audio').module('analyser').domain('time-overview-L').setup(document.getElementById('svg-time-overview-L'));  // Overview in time domain (L channel)
X('audio').module('analyser').domain('time-overview-R').setup(document.getElementById('svg-time-overview-R'));  // Overview in time domain (R channel)
X('audio').module('analyser').domain('time').setup(document.getElementById('svg-time'));                        // Time domain
X('audio').module('analyser').domain('fft').setup(document.getElementById('svg-spectrum'));                     // Frequency domain

// for drawing media
X('media').module('analyser').domain('time').setup(document.getElementById('svg-time'));     // Time domain
X('media').module('analyser').domain('fft').setup(document.getElementById('svg-spectrum'));  // Frequency domain

// for drawing stream
X('media').module('analyser').domain('time').setup(document.getElementById('svg-time'));     // Time domain
X('media').module('analyser').domain('fft').setup(document.getElementById('svg-spectrum'));  // Frequency domain

Access Parameters

The following, the variable ("source") is one of 'oscillator', 'oneshot', 'audio', 'media', 'stream', 'mixer'.

var source = /* 'oscillator' or 'oneshot' or 'audio' or 'media' or 'stream' or 'mixer' */;

And, the variable ("domain") is one of 'time-overview-L', 'time-overview-R', 'time', 'fft'.

var domain = /* 'time-overview-L' or 'time-overview-R' or 'time' or 'fft' */;

Manage State

// Getter
var state  = X(source).module('analyser').doamin(domain).state();  // Boolean type

// Setter
X(source).module('analyser').domain(domain).state(true);      // Boolean type
X(source).module('analyser').domain(domain).state('toggle');  // Change state according to current state


var params = {};

// Getter
params.fftSize               = X(source).module('analyser').param('fftSize');
params.minDecibels           = X(source).module('analyser').param('mindecibels');
params.maxdecibels           = X(source).module('analyser').param('maxDecibels');
params.smoothingTimeConstant = X(source).module('analyser').param('smoothingTimeConstant');

// Setter
X(source).module('analyser').param('fftSize', 2048);  // one of 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048
X(source).module('analyser').param('mindecibels', -100);
X(source).module('analyser').param('maxDecibels', -30);
X(source).module('analyser').param('smoothingTimeConstant', 0.8);  // The range of value is between 0 and 1

// Method Chain
X(source).module('analyser').param('fftSize', 2048)
                            .param('mindecibels', -100)
                            .param('maxDecibels', -30)
                            .param('smoothingTimeConstant', 0.8);

// Associative array
    fftSize               : 2048,
    mindecibels           : -100,
    maxDecibels           : -30,
    smoothingTimeConstant : 0.8

Overview in Time Domain

var params = {
    shape        : 'line',                      // Wave shape ('line' or 'rect')
    wave         : 'rgba(0, 0, 255, 1.0)',      // Wave color
    grid         : 'rgba(255, 0, 0, 1.0)',      // Grid color (color sting or 'none')
    currentTime  : 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 1.0)',  // Shape color (for current time)
    text         : 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 1.0)',  // Text color (color string or 'none')
    font         : {
        family : 'Arial',                       // Text font-family
        size   : '13px',                        // Text font-size
        style  : 'normal',                      // Text font-style
        weight : 'normal'                       // Text font-weight
    top          : 15,                          // Between audio wave graph and canvas border [px]
    right        : 15,                          // Between audio wave graph and canvas border [px]
    bottom       : 15,                          // Between audio wave graph and canvas border [px]
    left         : 15,                          // Between audio wave graph and canvas border [px]
    width        : 1.5,                         // Wave width (lineWidth)
    cap          : 'round',                     // lineCap
    join         : 'miter',                     // lineJoin
    plotInterval : 0.0625,                      // Draw wave at intervals of this value [sec]
    textInterval : 60                           // Draw text at intervals of this value [sec]

The following, the variable "key" is one of properties in "params".  
And, the variable "value" is according to "key".

var waveLs = {};
var waveRs = {};

// Getter
waveLs[key] = X('audio').module('analyser').domain('time-overview-L').param(key);
waveRs[key] = X('audio').module('analyser').domain('time-overview-R').param(key);

// Setter
X('audio').module('analyser').domain('time-overview-L').param(key, value);
X('audio').module('analyser').domain('time-overview-R').param(key, value);

// Method chain or Associative array ...

In the case of displaying current time according to playing the audio,

var drawCallback = function(currentTime) {
    X('audio').param('currentTime', currentTime);

    // ...


Time Domain

var params = {
    interval     : 500,                         // at intervals of drawing sound wave [msec] (by setTimeout) or 'auto' (by requestAnimationFrame)
    shape        : 'line',                      // Wave shape ('line' or 'rect')
    wave         : 'rgba(0, 0, 255, 1.0)',      // Wave color
    grid         : 'rgba(255, 0, 0, 1.0)',      // Grid color
    text         : 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 1.0)',  // Text color
    font         : {
        family : 'Arial',                       // Text font-family
        size   : '13px',                        // Text font-size
        style  : 'normal',                      // Text font-style
        weight : 'normal'                       // Text font-weight
    top          : 15,                          // Between audio wave graph and canvas border [px]
    right        : 15,                          // Between audio wave graph and canvas border [px]
    bottom       : 15,                          // Between audio wave graph and canvas border [px]
    left         : 15,                          // Between audio wave graph and canvas border [px]
    width        : 1.5,                         // Wave width (lineWidth)
    cap          : 'round',                     // lineCap
    join         : 'miter',                     // lineJoin
    textinterval : 60                           // Draw text at intervals of this value [sec]

The following, the variable "key" is one of properties in "params".  
And, the variable "value" is according to "key".

var times = {};

// Getter
times[key] = X(source).module('analyser').domain('time').param(key);

// Setter
X(source).module('analyser').domain('time').param(key, value);

// Method chain or Associative array ...

Frequency Domain (Spectrum)

var params = {
    interval     : 500,                         // at intervals of drawing sound wave [msec] (by setTimeout) or 'auto' (by requestAnimationFrame)
    shape        : 'line',                      // Wave shape ('line' or 'rect')
    wave         : 'rgba(0, 0, 255, 1.0)',      // Wave color
    grid         : 'rgba(255, 0, 0, 1.0)',      // Grid color
    text         : 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 1.0)',  // Text color
    font         : {
        family : 'Arial',                       // Text font-family
        size   : '13px',                        // Text font-size
        style  : 'normal',                      // Text font-style
        weight : 'normal'                       // Text font-weight
    top          : 15,                          // Between audio wave graph and canvas border [px]
    right        : 15,                          // Between audio wave graph and canvas border [px]
    bottom       : 15,                          // Between audio wave graph and canvas border [px]
    left         : 15,                          // Between audio wave graph and canvas border [px]
    width        : 1.5,                         // Wave width (lineWidth)
    cap          : 'round',                     // lineCap
    join         : 'miter',                     // lineJoin
    range        : 256,                         // the number of plots
    textinterval : 1000                         // Draw text at intervals of this value [Hz]

The following, the variable "key" is one of properties in "params".  
And, the variable "value" is according to "key".

var ffts = {};

// Getter
ffts[key] = X(source).module('analyser').domain('fft').param(key);

// Setter
X(source).module('analyser').domain('fft').param(key, value);

// Method chain or Associative array ...


The following, the variable is one of 'oscillator', 'oneshot', 'audio', 'media', 'stream', 'mixer'.

var source = /* 'oscillator' or 'oneshot' or 'audio' or 'media' or 'stream' or 'mixer' */;


X(source).module('recorder').setup(4);  // The number of tracks

Start Recording / Stop Recording

if (X(source).module('recorder').getActiveTrack() === -1) {
    // Start (Track 1)
    X(source).module('recorder').ready(0);  // for example, if the number of tracks is 4, the range of this argument is between 0 and 3

    // ...


    X(source).start(/* arguments */);
} else {
    // Stop

In the case of using WebRTC (MediaStreamAudioSourceNode),

if (X('stream').module('recorder').getActiveTrack() === -1) {
    // Start (Track 1)
    // It is important that recorder starts before streaming
    X('stream').module('recorder').ready(0).start();  // for example, if the number of tracks is 4, the range of this argument is between 0 and 3

    // ...

} else {
    // Stop


 // Delete recorded data in track 1
 X(source).module('recorder').clear(0);  // for example, if the number of tracks is 4, the range of this argument is between 0 and 3

 // Delete recorded data in the all of tracks

Create WAVE file

// The 1st argument is track number or 'all'. If this argument is 'all', the all of tracks are mixed
// The 2nd argument is the number of channels. This argument is either 1 or 2. The default value is 2 channels
// The 3rd argument is quantization bit. This argument is either 8 or 16. The default value is 16 bit
var wave = X(source).module('recorder').create('all', 2, 16);

Channel Gain

// Getter
var L = X(source).module('recorder').param('gainL');  // The default value is 1
var R = X(source).module('recorder').param('gainR');  // The default value is 1

// Setter
X(source).module('recorder').param('gainL', 0.5);
X(source).module('recorder').param('gainR', 0.5);

// Method Chain
X(source).module('recorder').param('gainL', 0.5)
                            .param('gainR', 0.5);

// Associative array
    gainL : 0.5,
    gainR : 0.5


The following, the variable is one of 'oscillator', 'oneshot', 'audio', 'media', 'stream', 'mixer'.

var source = /* 'oscillator' or 'oneshot' or 'audio' or 'media' or 'stream' or 'mixer' */;


// WebSocket's connection already exists ?
if (X(source).module('session').isConnected()) {
    // Connection to server has existed already
} else {
    try {
            tls   : true,                                    // Whether non TLS (ws:) or TLS (wss:)
            host  : 'x-sound-server.herokuapp.com/',         // IP address or Host name
            port  :'8000',                                   // Port number
            path  : '/app/websocket/',                       // Path name
            open  : function(event, socket) {
                // "event" is event object on "onopen" event handler in the instance of WebSokcet
                // "socket" is the instance of WebSokcet
            close : function(event, socket) {
                // "event" is event object on "onclose" event handler in the instance of WebSokcet
                // "socket" is the instance of WebSokcet
            error : function(event, socket) {
                // "event" is event object on "open" event handler in the instance of WebSokcet
                // "socket" is the instance of WebSokcet
    } catch (error) {

Start Session

X(source).start(/* arguments */);

Stop Session

X(source).module('session').state(false);  // Connection exists

Manage State

// Getter
var state  = X(source).module('session').state();  // Boolean type

// Setter
X(source).module('session').state(true);      // Boolean type
X(source).module('session').state('toggle');  // Change state according to current state


X(source).module('session').close();  // Connection dose not exists


Copyright (c) 2012, 2013, 2014 Tomohiro IKEDA (Korilakkuma)
Released under the MIT license