This is a library to provide support for Mono X Printers.
the uart-wifi library can be downloaded from PyPI. It contains required python tools for communicating with MonoX Printers. To install, simply install Python, then type pip install uart-wifi
. After which, you can create fake printers and communicate with them.
A command line script to gather information from the Mono X printer. This is tested working on the Anycubic Mono X 6k and should work on any Mono X or Mono SE printer.
Usage: -i <ip address> -c <command>
-i [--ipaddress=] - The IP address which your Anycubic Mono X can be reached
-c [--command=] - The command to send.
Commands may be used one-at-a-time. Only one command may be sent and it is expected to be in the format below.
Command: getstatus - Returns a list of printer statuses.
Command: getfile - returns a list of files in format <internal name>: <file name>. When referring to the file via command, use the <internal name>.
Command: sysinfo - returns Model, Firmware version, Serial Number, and wifi network.
Command: getwifi - displays the current wifi network name.
Command: gopause - pauses the current print.
Command: goresume - ends the current print.
Command: gostop,end - stops the current print.
Command: delfile,<internal name>,end - deletes a file.
Command: gethistory,end - gets the history and print settings
of previous prints.
Command: delhistory,end - deletes printing history.
Command: goprint,<internal name>,end - Starts a print of the
requested file
Command: getPreview1,<internal name>,end - returns a list of dimensions used for the print.
A command line script to simulate a MonoX 3D printer for testing purposes. You can simulate a fleet of Mono X 3D printers!
Usage: -i <ip address> -c <command>
[-i, [--ipaddress=]] - The IP address which to acknowledge requests. This defaults to any or
[-p [--port=]] - The port to listen on. This defaults to 6000.