Hot reloading is now built into React Native, so use that instead of this.
This is a starter kit for building React Native apps using Redux and the react-native-webpack-server for hot code reloading.
Hot reloading is based on the BabelES6 example in @mjohnston's react-native-webpack-server.
git clone
cd react-native-hot-redux-starter
npm install
npm run hot
open ./ios/react_native_starter.xcodeproj
Cmd+R inside Xcode to run the app in the iOS simulator. On first run, you'll likely receive an error because, in order for hot-loading to work, you need to be debugging in Chrome. Dismiss the error (press escape), then press Cmd+D and click on the Debug in Chrome button. When the Chrome debugger is open and connected, press Cmd+R in the iOS simulator to reload the app. You should now be hot-loading, and all changes you save in your source should update in the app.
I'm using the starter to familiarize myself with Flux using Redux and the best practices I know of.
npm run bundle
Uncomment the line in AppDelegate.m that loads the local main.jsbundle. (Line 46.)
- Update for Android.
Many thanks to Dan Abramov for help debugging hot loading (along with all of his work that I'm using here).