
NC News is a Full-Stack Application built using Node, Express, React and SQl. It has full CRUD functionality and mocks a logged in user.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Northcoders News API

View the back-end app here

View the front-end app here



This is a RESTful API for articles, comments and users. It includes multiple endpoints with various params and queries. You can view /api to get a list of all available endpoints. It uses NodeJS and Express to build out a web server, we use Express Router to handle routing, makes use of Error handling and we have implemented unit testing with Jest and Supertest. Checkout the link above to view all endpoints available.


  • dotenv

  • express

  • pg

Dev Dependencies

  • husky

  • jest

  • jest-extended

  • jest-sorted

  • pg-format

Using this API

  • First you would need to clone this repository.

  • Then you would need to create .env.test and .env.development and add the names for the database for each, they would be nc_news_test and nc_news respectively. Then follow these steps:

  • run npm run install

  • run npm run setup-dbs

  • run npm run seed

  • finally if you run npm test you can view all tests

Minimum Versions

  • Node - v17.8.0

  • Postgres - psql (PostgreSQL) 14.2

Available Scripts

  • setup-dbs - uses psql to create databases

  • seed - used to seed the database with test data

  • test - runs the test suite

  • prepare - sets up husky, used for testing prior to commits

  • start - uses node to start the application