
Nautilus extension to rate your photos

Primary LanguagePython

Adam Plumb

python-exiv2, gnome, python, libexiv2

PhotoRate is a nautilus file manager extension (for GNOME) that allows you to rate an image from 1 to 5 from the context menu, where rating the imagge modifies its metadata (using the pyexiv2 library).  There are two mechanisms to display the current rating to the user.  One is a column that you can add by going to Edit -> Preferences -> List Columns, and then check the "Rating" column.  The other mechanism is, if you've installed the emblems, each photo will show an emblem next to it corresponding to its rating.

Copy PhotoRate.py to your ~/.nautilus/python-extensions folder.  To install the emblems, copy them to your ~/.icons/hicolor/scalable/emblems folder.  If those folders don't exist, you can create them.  To install for all users, copy PhotoRate.py to /usr/lib/nautilus/extensions-2.0/python and copy the emblems to /usr/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/emblems.  Then restart nautilus by typing: nautilus -q && nautilus --no-desktop