Recreation of Cole Nussbaumer Knaflic's Storytelling with Data plots using R an ggplot2
- agucovaRethink Priorities
- alineigansiFlorianópolis, SC, Brasil
- alvinthaiSan Francisco, CA
- briankinney
- coacoara68
- DataDanFitAdatis
- davidnapoli
- freestatman@Sanofi-GitHub
- gilliganondatafacts & feelings
- hariprasath-vBangalore
- henrywangnlAmsterdam
- jbao
- johnatasjmoLong Beach, California
- johnmackintoshHighlands, Scotland
- knsamatiConsultant
- krzjoaCEVA Logistics
- lekovicjLondon
- Leo-Lee15China
- leohk23
- lmassaron@google Developers Expert
- maxtoMacroasset
- mikelmadina
- mpasqualiniBrazil
- mrnosalMITRE Corporation
- ndjrt
- OTStatsNorthwestern Mutual
- perlatexsichuan normal universtiy
- robsalascoSantiago, Chile
- silverstone1903
- TheDamianHdezGitHub
- timelyportfolioavailable
- tmstaussdōTERRA Int.
- vikaspython
- wellingtonf-souzaBelo Horizonte
- z3ttIndependent Contractor
- zugbug007UK