This is Puppet module for managing a host with a farm of (by default unprivileged) LXC containers.
- Allows creation of unprivileged LXC container under a pre-existing user.
- Installs (replaces) upstart scripts that manage multiple independent bridge networks (i.e. you can have lxcbr0 and lxcbr1)
- Supports autostarting the containers; ships with custom upstart scripts for that.
- All static IPs are managed by dnsmasq (in /etc/lxc/dnsmasq.conf) rather than in the container itself. This ensures there are no IP collisions.
- Supports installation of puppet client on the guest (uses supplied fqdn as a certname identifying the node)
- Allows for simple management of user's subuids a subgids. At this moment allows only for one continuous block of ids.
- Due to the lxc bug, after the first run you must restart the host.
- Because of usage of custom facts, full deployment of new lxc container requires three runs of the manifest (errors are gracefully handled).
- Because of the conflict of default configuration of dnsmasq, the repository is incompatible with service dnsmasq (the service gets installed, as it is boundled with the
package, but gets overriden to 'manual'.
- Ubuntu 14.04 LTS
Tested Containers:
- apt-get - compatible.
node '' {
#First we need to create the unprivileged user 'myuser':
user { 'myuser':
ensure => present,
home => "/home/myuser",
purge_ssh_keys => true,
group { "myuser": ensure => present, }
exec { "myuser homedir":
command => "/bin/cp -R /etc/skel /home/myuser; /bin/chown -R myuser:myuser /home/myuser",
creates => "/home/myuser",
require => [User['myuser'], Group['myuser']]
file { ["/home/myuser/.config", "/home/myuser/.cache", "/home/myuser/.local", "/home/myuser/.local/share"]:
ensure => directory,
owner => 'myuser',
group => 'myuser',
require => Exec["myuser homedir"]
#Declare 'myuser' for unprivileged containers and create necessary bridge networks
lxc { "myuser":
user => "myuser",
bridge_iface => 'lxcbr1',
bridge_gw => '',
bridge_network => '',
bridge_netmask => '',
dhcp_range => ',',
#Define the actual container with static IP
lxc::container { "mycontainer":
user => "myuser",
ip => '',
autoboot => true,
puppet => true,
fqdn => '',
aptproxy => '',
puppet_server_host => ''
returns and array of subuids and subgids necessary for managing unprivileged containers. For parsing this array use custom functions getbasesubuid
, getbasesubgid
, getcntsubuid
and getcntsubgid
getsubuid => myuser:100000:65536|myuser2:165536:65536|mlxc:231072:65536|alxc:296608:65536|pupecik:362144:65536|
getsubgid => myuser:100000:65536|myuser2:165536:65536|mlxc:231072:65536|alxc:296608:65536|pupecik:362144:65536|
Each user gets uid_<username>
fact with his uid.
uid_myuser => 1001
uid_alxc => 1004
returns base of the range of the continuous block of subuids/subgids
returns number of uids in the continuous block of subuids/subgids