- 6
Creating a POT file
#24 opened by nkosi23 - 2
Unescaped double quotes in msgid and msgstr entries
#25 opened by Lyror - 13
- 4
Customization advice
#17 opened by GioviQ - 1
Package Version Conflict
#16 opened by woutervanranst - 4
Empty msgid with msgctxt throws error
#14 opened by AHagemannCK - 1
Improve diagnostic error reporting when parser encounters invalid control characters like '\0'
#12 opened by adams85 - 2
Issue with obsolete string
#8 opened by maduin75 - 1
Summary comments in code
#13 opened by Muchaszewski - 7
Parsing of \n is system-dependent
#9 opened by MKuckert - 0
POGenerator does not generate valid po string when break line after '\' character
#7 opened by adams85 - 1
System.InvalidOperationException: PO specification allows only single-byte encodings
#4 opened by robert-j-engdahl - 2