Qwandry gives you a single way to easily open all your projects and libraries.
- 2
- 0
can this app be performed on windows?
#34 opened by dyxushuai - 2
- 1
Error: require.paths is removed.
#30 opened by mori-dev - 0
More natural matching for sub directories
#11 opened by adamsanderson - 3
Customization Documentation
#13 opened by trans - 0
- 1
- 5
Doesn't Seem to Do Anything
#24 opened by dissolved - 5
- 2
executable name does not match gem name
#21 opened by sunaku - 3
Can't convert Hash into String
#17 opened by scottmessinger - 1
Make repository searching case insensitive
#10 opened by adamsanderson - 1
- 1
Differentiate multiple similar matches
#8 opened by adamsanderson - 1
- 4
XDG for config directory
#5 opened by trans - 2
- 2
didn't work
#3 opened by wtian - 2
Error: can't convert nil into String
#2 opened by masonoise - 2
TypeError Exception when no editor is set
#1 opened by tonini