
Python script that creates a customized ant script to sync an opencms module completely to server. This allows developers to be less dependent on Eclipse and make sure an entire module is synced to a server

Primary LanguagePython

Sweet opencms module syncer


Like most python projects, you'll want to create a virtual environment inside the directory with

virtualenv --no-site-packages .

Then install with setup.py

bin/python setup.py install

Then you'll need to configure the application


You'll need to write a Python configuration script for the project you're working on. There is a blank configuration script in the confs directory called blank.config; you can use that as a template.

Additionally you will need to edit the roles in the fabfile.py to reflect the URLs in your system. This is unable to be bootstrapped by a configuration file.


Fabric is the primary interace for using this application. It contains four primary commands that you will have access to. The principal command is as follows

bin/fab -r {role(dev|stage|prod)} command:{config_file},{config_section}

The commands and examples are

sync -- sync files to a server bin/fab -r dev sync:confs/myconfig.config,local

publish -- Remotely publishes files on your server bin/fab -r stage sync:conf/myconfig.config,stage

restart_server -- Remotely restarts your tomcat server bin/fab -r stage sync:conf/mymenu.config,stage

deploy -- syncs the files, then publishes, then restarts the server bin/fab -r stage sync:conf/mymenu.config,stage