
REST API for Meteorology Data

Primary LanguagePython

Cumulus: Meteorologic Data Repository and Processing Engine

Local Development


This project includes numerous docker containers to near-exactly replicate production services (for example, S3, SQS, etc.). The docker containers are orchestrated using 3 docker-compose files.

  • docker-compose.yml basic minimal functionality. Database + RESTful API, SQS Messaging (ElasticMQ), etc. Naming it docker-compose.yml allows bringing the basic services online with the expected docker-compose up --build from the repository root directory
  • docker-compose.minio.yml replicates S3 environment using minio
Starting All the Things (kitchen sink approach)
# Database and Services
docker-compose up --build
docker-compose -f docker-compose.minio.yml up --build

# Cumulus User Interface
cd site && npm start

These commands launch the following services, availale in the browser

Service URI/Port
Cumulus API http://localhost:80
Pgadmin (Running SQL) http://localhost:7000
Minio Browser (S3) http://localhost:9000


Docker-compose Mounted Directories

Adding New Data Products