
Base classes and toolkit for asimov.js

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Base classes and toolkit for asimov.js

How to use

Install from NPM

$ npm install asimov-core

Klass, an EventEmitter class

Klass is a base class, which all other classes build on, and it is itself mostly a wrapper for the EventEmitter in wunderbits.core.

var Klass = require('asimov-core').Klass;

var MyClass = module.exports = Klass.extend({

  'myMethod': function () {
    console.log('Hello world')!


If you've worked with Backbone or wunderbits.core before, the API for binding to and triggering events should feel very familiar.

var theThing = new MyClass();

theThing.on('event', function () {
  console.log('stuff done!');


Assert type and existance

Klass and all of its child classes comes with a convenient method for typechecking.

var MyClass = module.exports = Klass.extend({

  'saveValue': function (anything, value) {
    this.assert('defined', anything, 'Anything must be defined!');
    this.assert('number', value, 'Value must be a number!');

Privacy with public interface

A class can implement a public interface by defining an array of method names. Useful for singleton, top-level modules.

var MyClass = Klass.extend({

  'publicMethods': [
var instance = new MyClass();
module.exports = instance.publicInterface();


The logger class wraps console log to provide namespacing, task durations and more than one log level.

Simple logging

var Logger = require('asimov-core').Logger;
var logger = new Logger();

logger.log('my-app', 'My awesome log message');

Log a pending task

logger.pending('my-app', 'Doing things right now');

Log task duration

var started = new Date();

setTimeout(function () {
  logger.since('my-app', 'And we are done', started);
}, 1000);

Log level low

These logs will only appear if process.env.VERBOSE is true.

logger.low('my-app', 'My debug message');
logger.lowSince('my-app', 'Some task is done', started);


All synchronous filesystem abstraction, providing shortcuts for common use cases.

var Filesystem = require('asimov-core').Filesystem;
var fs = new Filesystem();
  • fs.exists (string path) Check if path exists, returns true or false.
  • fs.cleanDirectory (string path) Recursively delete everything in path.
  • fs.copyDirectoryIfExists (string srcPath, string destPath) If source path exists, copy it to destination and return true. If source path doesn't exist, returns false.
  • fs.findFirstMatch (string grep, array paths) Returns the path of the first file found matching the string grep, or false if no file was found.
  • fs.forceExists (string path) Force a folder path to exist.
  • fs.getStats (string path) Return the stat object for path.
  • fs.isDirectory (string path) Returns true if path is a directory, otherwise false.
  • fs.hasFileExtension (string filename, string extension) Check if filename has the expected extension, returns true or false.
  • fs.readDirectory (string path, function iterator) If path exists, execute iterator with path of each file and return true. If path doesn't exist, returns false.
  • fs.readFile (string path) Read and return file.
  • fs.rebuildDirectory (string path) Delete a folder and recreate it as empty.
  • fs.recursiveDelete (string path) Walks a tree, deletes all files and folders.
  • fs.recursiveForFolders (string path, function iterator) Execute iterator for all folders in path, top down.
  • fs.watchTree (string path, function handler) Watch path for added, removed and modified files using watchdirectory. Returns a function that can be called to stop watching the path.
  • fs.writeFile (string path, value) Write value to file at path.


A small wrapper for child_process. Documentation coming soon!

Made by Adam Renklint, Berlin 2014. MIT licensed.